Fix Your Reasoning!

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So we got another one of those weird chapters in the mail today. I don’t know who is writing them, but I kind of love them. The new one went like this:

Chapter 3: Fix Your Reasoning!

So, you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’re going to die. Wait, you haven’t? What the hell is wrong with you? Get on that! You don’t have long, lazy ass!

Allow me to help fix your reasoning. Here are three reasons to be sad:

Reason One: You’re going to die in one year’s time. Less than that, now, actually.

Reason Two: Everything you’ve ever done suddenly means nothing.

Reason Three: Everyone you’ve ever met, along with everyone you’re yet to meet, will be dead along with you.

And, finally, here’s one reason to be happy:

Reason One: You’re not dead yet.

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