CHAPTER 1 - Part 2

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I sat at the large mahogany table fit for six alone eating cereal out of a white glass bowl. When I was done I picked up the bowl and gulped down the sweet milk in thirstiness.

The day was slow and boring and I just sat in the house pretty much all day. I had nothing better to do anyway.

Finally, it was late and I went into the kitchen and made myself some diner. I sat the plate full of mashed potatoes and macaroni and steak on the table and sat down to eat.

After I was finished I grabbed some more raw meat—my parents had a bucket load in the fridge—and ran to the door.

I opened the door and tossed it outside yelling, "Here you go boy!"

It was freezing outside so I shut the door fast and went to take a hot uplifting shower. Once out of the shower I slipped into bed and sighed as I pulled the covers up over me ready for a nice sleep...

They say darkness is key. It is warm and inviting. But have you ever really thought of it? Being alone in the dark, blind to what's around you?

What if you just woke up in darkness? You'd most likely have a split second of pure fear. Knowing you're not at home for this darkness is different. It's not like the comforting darkness of your room at home while you lay in your soft bed. In this black you can hear soft noises like a wind. Then you realize it is a wind.

You're shivering, bitter cold bites your skin. You go to wrap your hands around you in an attempt to get warm... And you realize you are naked. Stripped bare to your feet which strangely enough still have socks on. You moan softly, you're scared as your eyes dart around.

It's so dark, you aren't sure where you are even at. Part of you isn't even sure if you're awake or alive.

Did something happen to me? You think. I mean, why were you naked outside in the dark with nothing but your socks on?

That's what was running through my mind as I sat up cold and shaking. Did something happen to me?

I stood on shaking legs. My body was trembling violently in a vain attempt to get warm. To create some precious heat. It wasn't working. I felt dirty. My throat was suddenly dry. I hadn't been assaulted had I? My hands ran over my body searching. No, no change down there.

I looked around madly the dark still lurked around me. A sudden gust of wind brought a leaf up to my face and I yelped as it hit me. I jumped back and lost my footing finding myself face first in the dirt and grass and rotting leaves. I got up admittedly shocked and with a grimace pulled a wet leaf off of my face. I was in the forest. Great, nothing good ever happens in a dark forest.

A buzzing noise made me spin around and my heart jumped when I saw a light some yards away. The noise sounded familiar and it took me a few seconds to recognize it. My phone! I leapt at it and snatched it up my eyes peered at the caller ID: Unknown. I didn't answer it and declined the call.

I turned on the flashlight to my phone and looked around. Yep tall trees stood high around me. I was in the forest alright. A headache raged in my head. A piercing throb. It was all my fault.

Stupid you shouldn't have drunk now look at you. In a goddam forest without your clothes. I scolded myself as I scanned the area under the white light of the phone. A discoloration in the leaves caught my attention. There it was the red dress I'd been wearing. It was in a crumpled dirty heap. I walked over and sighed sadly as I picked it up. My heart was drumming in my chest so hard I felt as though it would burst. My fingers wrapped around the silky fabric and I shook it trying to rid it of the dirt and leaves scowling and wrinkling my nose as debris flew in my face. I spat some dirt out of my mouth and started to put on the dress. Pain shot from my shoulder and I cried out in shock and agony. The pain was enough to rid me of all other thoughts. My hands slowly and cautiously slid up my arm with timid fingers. I felt a sticky wetness on my arm and I slowly went closer to my shoulder. The pain was sharp as my fingers hit my shoulder and I gritted my teeth. I felt the torn flesh and hot tears fell from my eyes. There was dirt and leaves on the wound and I picked the debris off as much as I could see.

Blackbane: King of Wolves & Men Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ