Jim called the front desk beforehand to make sure nobody was in the lobby and if we could make our way through without bringing attention towards us. The desk manager said it was clear, but honestly I know we will bring attention to us either way.

A lot of fans know where we are staying. From our hotel Windows we could see fans lurking around. The boys found it completely normal, but obviously Aspen and I are still trying to get used to it.

The hate and confusion on my Twitter is honestly funny. At first it bothered me a lot but now for some reason I'm not offended and I wish I could tell everyone how I got here. I'm not allowed to really say anything about One Direction even though everyone knows I'm touring with them. And they know I went on a 'date' with Niall. Their management doesn't want any attention drawn towards Aspen and I. It's impossible not to try to draw attention towards us. We are two girls with One Direction, obviously the fandom is going to flip shit.

There's even articles about us online. My name is shared, but Aspen is still the mystery girl. I guess that's good, but soon she probably will be revealed by a fan. I'm guessing a fan because they are crazy and can fine anything. I mean they found me from Logan's old Myspace (I'm guessing). They also found out the exact period of time Niall and Logan dated.

Like, how?

Everything that is going on is blowing my mind. I do think it will be like this the entire trip, me not being able to get over things. It's just so bizarre.

As the elevators stopped on the floor, all of us piled out of the elevator. The pain in my neck was unbearable, but I kept my mouth shut. Just like the desk said, there were no people in sight. The only ones were us and some workers. We quickly  made our way to the back doors where it was safer and easier to head out. As we filed through the doors, I struggled to fit through. One bag got caught on the door way, the other was falling off of me, and both suitcases flipped over.

"You gotta be shitting me," I grumbled and began to let one of the bags fall. Once I did that I realized someone behind me was untangling the bag from the door hinge. Barely being able to turn around, I noticed a blonde headed boy.

So now he's interacting with me?

The whole day yesterday after he dropped me off at the hotel doors he has been ignoring me. Straight up ignoring and making sure he wouldn't run into me at any occasions. It was like I had some deadly disease and he had to keep his distance or else he would catch it.

Honestly he was acting like a little kid if he was mad at me for canceling. We aren't even dating.

"Jesus Sarah, what did you do?" All I could see was his artificial blonde hair and his fingers trying to get my bag un-caught from the door. I didn't know if I should drop all my bags or just stand there. Thank gosh there were two doors, but now everyone was waiting on Niall and I.

"Well, me, a 120 pound girl at 5'4 is caring two heavy bags and rolling behind two suitcases. I don't know if that's crazy, but all of these bags together probably weigh more than me," I was being 100% serious, but at the same time I wanted to laugh at this situation. Does everyone hate me to let me carry all these bags?

"You just could've asked me to carry some," Niall said, finally getting me unstuck. I felt two of the suitcases getting flipped over and tugged on. I let go and followed through the doors successfully this time and walked rather fast to the bus. All of us were finally in and we took of in a matter of seconds.

Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Niall  Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now