Chapter 4

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Jayden P.O.V:


While it pass 5 days and we all pass the test. I mostly don't go to class I skip or just don't listen. So it's this "School War" It something were all the grades have to go to there group. There: Danger; Tech; Nomal; and Special. Yeah, i'm in special for some reason they say 'well, we dont know what you can do to others so you'll be and this group' the fuck. Anyways I talk to to any of them because there meanto me. The first day i came i got jump and stuff I don't tell anyone because The got something on me. 

"So we going to do a hunted house" The special group teacher Mr. Smith said. We got everyone doing something, but they don't want me to help. Fine, they're big meanys anyway. I got my bag and went to the woods and saw Bearry I cried while he tried to calm me down. I don't know why my gradfather put me here and wanna go home. Everyone are jerks, but i stay here so he don't get hurt. 

"OOOWW" something hit me on the head it was an apple. How in the w------. I was cut off by someone jumping off the tree. I looked away so they don't see me. I turn around and i see him looking at me with light brown eyes, very musclar, and had 5 earrings on each ear and had a lock chain around his neck; he was probabailiy 6'0 feet. I couldn't move something about his eyes told me to trust him he's the one. I back away once I heard someone say my name, it was Jacob one of my besty. He was holding hands with a guy with 2 long breads and also 6'0, Jacob was taller then me 5'9. I'm 5'7 'Shorter than all of them' whatever.

________________________________5 Weeks Later__________________________________

 Roc Royal P.O.V:


I think I'm in love with Jayden he so sweet, childish, kind, caring, but Diggy, Issa, and Jacob said ' stay away from him you'll just break his heart like you do to the others' I won't. With the other i use them for sex and thats it. Something about Jay is calling me saying protect him and love him. Anyways we 8 move to this house in the middle of the woods. It Friday and it 9pm and dark, it also rainning with lighting and thunder, just great. There's a knock on my door, who could it be I know Jacob and Ray are on a date; Diggy and Prod are on annavercery; and Princeton and Issa are in a hotel room somewhere. I open the door and see Jayden with waterry eyes in his pj, with his hair out flowing down his back holding Bearry. He looked up, lighting made the room brighter and he ran up to me hugging me with his face on my chest crying. I place my arms around his waist and felt so deep creaves. Damn, my baby got that body, but why he so scared.

"You okay" I asked placing my chain on his head. He shook his head 'no'.

"Are you scared or something" I asked again. He nodded 'yes'. Thunder began again he hug me tighter and i felt his body shake under my arms. Ah he scared og storms.

"Its okay, don't worry okay ba-Jayden." He looked up with blue eyes with a mix of purple.

"Can I sleep with you Roccy" I smiled and carried him to my king size bed. He was laying on my chest and all you hear is rain hitting the window. My hand was going up and down the middle of his back. His head on the middle of my neck breathing calmly. 

"Jay-J I like you no I'm in love with you will you go out with me please? I won't hurt you, I will protect you from all kinds of dangers, even if it cost my life. I can't stop thinking of you, your different from people, your eyes, hair, creavers, lips, everything i love your personaility the most." I was shut up with a kiss on the cheek.

"I Love you too, something in my heart said you were the one." His eyes was completely purple I flip us over. I was hovering over him I put our foreheads together and looked deep into his eyes know he was the one i was looking for now i found and will keep. I give him peck and know something he's not telling me.

"Babe, is something wrong" I asked brushing cheeks it turned light red.

"I never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, kiss, hold hand and stuff" he said lower and moving his head to the side. His ears were red and i saw 3 earrings on it and his brecelets he is stonger then the other 6. That means i can do him with all my power no holding back yes!! I got inbetween his legs with both hands on either side of his face. I turn him to face me, I smile at him and peck his lip. 

"We can take it slow, and i'll show you okay J-Bay" He nodded slowly with a smile on his lips. 

" Open your mouth alittle please." He did as told I put my lips on his 1 on inbetween my lips and another under. I was soft and slow, i lick his his bottom lip and he didn't open. I stopped and look at him he was glowing i removed my hands from his cheek and place them on this thighs moving up and down he moan and closed his his eyes. I move to his neck to find his sweet spot.

"Ahhh Rrroc ahh ssstop ppplplease, III cccan't AHHHH ROC" he moan i found his sweet spot. Damn his moan are making me want him more shit. I heard sniffing I looked up and saw my baby crying damn Roc really smooth. I kiss his tears away.

" I'm sorry I was going to fast wasn't I" He nodded, I give him one more kiss than layed next to him. He put his had inbetween my head and shoulders. I wrap my arms around his waisted after a few we fell a sleep. I don't know why but it feels good when he's in my arms.

Thank you XxMindlessly TrillxX for telling me to upgrade. And I hope you guy enjoyed. Spead the chocolate and candy Sweetness Out!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P (I want some candy)

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