Alice Acadmy (BoyxBoy Mindless Behavior)

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Hey ya, it's your girl Sweetness anyways this is my first time on wattpad and I read so many Mindless Behavior boyxboy stories. I decided to make a few you know what mean I do know Mindless is not gay to some and are gay to others, but guess what I DON'T GAVE A DANM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY STORY NOT YOURS SO IF YOU GOT RUDE COMMENT SHOVE IT UP A HOLE IN YOUR BODY, THIS FOR ENTERTAMENT NOT SOMETHING I BELIEVE. SO CLOSE OUT NOW OR KEEP READING. I won't write this at the end so i'll do it now please leave comments, vote,share are anything to tell me how you enjoyed it and please let others now i am here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So one with the story.

Jayden P.O.V:


Hey i'm Jayden Mal Culo Melgar, also know as Bad Ass don't know why my mother and father named me that, I'm not bad really I'm really a sweet boy. I'm a mix child {you'll know throughout the story} I live with my grandpa Joe in Alamance ,North Carolina it's not big and all, I really don't know about my life that much. I was born on January 1, exactly at 12:00, I live with my parent for 3 months as a baby then they gave me to my grandfather and i never heard or seen them since. I don't know how the look are anything, I never met my family or talk to any on the phone, like so kids do. I been in schools made friends, been popular,look good, and everything. I would aways smile and look happy, but when i saw kids with family and having fun made me want to have the same. Anyways my grandfather always talk on the phone talking about work. He says he on vacation watch over me.

{Chris Brown-Should've Kissed You} My alarm clock rung, it was 5:30 in the morning. Joe told me to wake up early because i was going to a new school in Autryville, North Carolina. He said it's special that I need to go so they can contral me and other shit. So I did my morning routine and got in my room put on boxers and tee-shirt. I put on my chocolate lotian and deodernet, I want in my clothes and put on my khaki short, black muscle shirt and Jorden Flight Origin. I want to my mirror at my dresser and put my product in my hair {has mid-back length hair} it turned wavy and didn't want to do anything else to my hair so i put my black, red.and white snap-back on, spray a little of my 'Sexy Moonlight' colon on. I ran down the stairs to see my grandpa eatting pancakes looking fly.{he is 34 years old} 

"Looking good Joe" I said getting an apple.

"Don't I aways" He said getting his keys for the car. We left and it was a 6 hour drive. We didn't speak or look at each other he knows I don't want to go, but he makes me.

_________________________________In Front Of School______________________________

It had a huge brick wall around the school and it was in the middle of nowhere, but forest. We got out the car and just look at each other than he left. I walk in front of the building and saw two men talking. I walk up to them and the smile at me.

"Hi, do you work here" I asked

"Yes, you must be the new student"

"Yeah, my grandfather told me to go in can you please open the gates" I asked

"Yeah, lets go to the back and get in." The man with a blue shirt said. I follow him and i felt eyes on my butt. I turn and saw a shadow and we were in ally. I got scared once i saw a wolf instand od the man. I started running as fast as i can, but the was 4 more i was corned on a tall old tree. I closed my eyes and heard a sound of whipping and growls. I open my eyes and show a handsome man who was around 5'9, light brown, and had blue eyes. My heart was beating fast and hard everything was going slow. That when i heard a growl and a wolf jumping to me. Heat wash in my hand' I put it up and blue fire shot out my hand. I don't know what took over me but it felt like me. I felt a hand on my shoulder i turn around around and show the man than I pass out . My whole body system shut down. I felt pain going throughout my whole body i wanted to scream cry skrach anything to make the pain stop.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________________________________2 Days Later_________________________________

I woke up feeling new but i didn't know where i was or what i was going on. I got up so fast and back up to a bookshelf. It fell down with a big thump, I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I saw 2 men coming in I know my eyes turn blue it only happens when i'm scared or shy. They came closer to me and i backed up  into the wall.

" It's okay we won't hurt you okay" The one I saw before i pass out said. But something hit my nose it smell good. I ran up to the other one and smell his neck. I heard his vein pumping blood, i was going to take a bite but i back away quickly to the other far end of the room. They looked shocked.

"How did you do that" The one i was going to eat said,

"I don't know" I answered looking down at the black tiled floor. They were coming closer I move the booksheilf by just thinking of it. "Don't.....Don't come closer" I said after coming down.They stoped and smiled,

"I'm Chris and this is Davis" The one That help me outside said. I simple nodded my head. They explain what happen and now i'm in the school and how i been out for 2 days. I told them what happen about my life.

" So those 3 powers are all your power" Davis asked me sitting the couch next to me.

" No, when i was out my body was going through this pain. And I saw a person in my dream saying ' this isn't everything when you by the one you love you will protect them with unknown powers." and other stuff" I said drinking a bottle of blood Chris gave me. They look shocked and had big wide eyes.

"You're the one." They both said.

"What's your name" Chris asked.

"Jayden Mal Culo Malger, thats what my home town call me. But my grandfather said my name is Jayden Mal Culo Forza Potente Malger" I said looking at the celing.

"Your the Derniere Touche" Chris said. 

"Why you specking French" I asked.

"Your grandfather is Joe" Davis ask

"Yeah, he since me her to be contral and get ready and something about to save the world and some other stuff he mumbled. He just drop me off not saying anything but go in the building they will guide you. He did the same thing my parent did when i was 3 monthes old." I whisper to myself. loud so the can hear me also.

______I know it's boring now but later on it be popping. So Sweetness is out Love ya________

Alice Acadmy (BoyxBoy Mindless Behavior)Where stories live. Discover now