Ariana was playing with a baby hound dog, Dinah was with a baby German Shepherd, while I was with a baby husky. He had a blue collar on, telling me that he was a boy, his eyes were a bright blue and had all white fur. At first the little one was shy, but once I started to play with him he would get hyper active.

"If only I can take you home, little man." I spoke quietly to myself.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! It's about that time so we're gonna have to ask you all to clear out of the store. If you're buying, get in line, if you're not then you have to exit. Thank you!" A woman spoke to everyone.

I sighed and started walking out the door with my friends. If I only I had the money and time to keep him.

The whole mall was beginning to close up, they always do on Purge month, so us girls walked out to the car and decided to go home.

As I got in the passenger side of my best friends ride, Brad started calling me.

Ariana tapped me on the shoulder and asked to hand my phone to her. I put it in her hand and she pressed answer and put him on speaker.

"Sup, hoe?"

"Where's Lauren?"

"Did you not hear? We're all at the mall and just about to leave until you called. What do you want?" She hissed at him.

Dinah and I were giggling at this point and didn't want to laugh to loud for him to hear.

"I was just calling to ask why she wasn't home yet."

"Are you at our door step?!"

"That's not important." He spoke.

"Obviously it is since you're there and waiting for her to come back when she clearly wants some time with us."

"At least she doesn't spend time with EVERYONE like you do, with your thirsty ass."

Ariana was about to yell back at him, but her face turned into a smirk.

"Nah bitch, I'm quenched."

She hung up the phone and gave it back to me while Dinah and I were cracking up like little kids.

I was glad she answered and not me. If I would have answered I wouldn't be laughing like this. We all put our seat belts on and went home.

Today was a good day.


Your POV

3:30 p.m.

I woke up with a horrible headache. It felt like someone was hitting my head with a hammer. My whole body felt sore.

But this happened every Friday night.

A sudden chill took over my body when I tried to get up from my position. I looked around and figured out I passed out in the shower with only my sports bra and boxers.

Yes, I wore boxers. It's not that I had a penis, I just found them very comfortable to sleep in. Sometimes I'll wear a thong, but that's a different story.

Anyway, I slowly got up and felt a lump in the front of my boxers. I looked down and seen my phone right there. Not worrying why it was there, I pulled it out and checked the time.

3:35 p.m.

"Of course." I told my self. Before I started walking again, I looked at the mirror and it had big writing on it saying 'This bitch is fabulous'. That had to have been me or Zayn.

I shook my head and walked over to the door opening it. Once I opened it, Zayn fell to my feet in only his boxers and phone numbers all over him, along with other silly writings.

The Purge (You and Lauren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang