Chapter 24: Is It Over?

Depuis le début

He was right; but still, I could not let go of the feeling; I had caused it. Nevertheless, I agreed it was good for her to have us, and important that I learned of it.

"I see your point, but I don't know. What I do know, is that he needs to be gone soon, for his own safety!"

Ian's whole heartily agreed with me.

"Grey, I'm exhausted! I know you have to be also. Let's get some sleep while our buddies take care of that pedophile. I'm if we stay up, we will both end up going down there, and doing something stupid."

We chuckled together, I guess he was itching to get down there also.

"Your right about that, I'm using all the willpower in me as this very moment."

He chuckled slapping my back, as we walked toward the bedrooms. I looked at him, and smirked. He looked at me curiously.


"Oh, I just noticed you said our buddies..."

I smiled at him, chuckling lightly.

"Does that mean, we are now good friends?"

"Hell yeah! Shit, how couldn't you be?"

We both laughed; we were approaching Jolie's room. Both of us, glance at her door losing our laughter. After a second, I said,

"I do believe I am going to sneak into that bed with her. It's about the only way I can be close to her, without getting pounded from the spitfire!"

Ian laughed quietly,

"She is a handful, even before all this happened. She has always had that fire in her!"

I smiled, then added before slipping into the room.

"It's one of the many reasons; she stole my heart. I think cuddling with her is about the only way I will be able to refrain from going down there, and fulfilling our murder, body dump theory."

As I shut the door noiselessly, I heard Ian's reply.

"Let me know if it doesn't work, that's one crime; I'm willing to commit without even thinking twice about!"

I feel something hitting my head, dang what the hell? My whole body feels like it's been through hell and back! The pounding stops, I almost fall asleep; however, the pounding starts again. I grab the offending object. It is soft, and smooth with an amazing aroma of lavender, with a hint of honey? I knew that scent; it was embedded into my brain, telling me it was all I needed to survive...Jolie.

I took hold of her arm, hearing her screech, and telling me off in her lovely colorful way. I jerked slightly, yet enough to force her to land right on top of me. I knew now, that any contact would require careful consideration. Never could I make her feel completely out of control, so my desire to flip and land her underneath me was not something I could do. No, my little spitfire was a delicate flower on the inside, and I would be damn if I ever caused even the slightest damage. Even if it killed me, for at this moment all I wanted to do was show her how much I loved her by worshiping that glorious body of hers. Mentally shaking my desires off, I lightly but firmly pinned her on top of me, opening my eyes to see that gorgeous face of hers.

"Now, my little spitfire, that's not a very nice way to wake up a person."

"I really do hate you! Let me go, you...ass!"

"Only because you asked ever so nicely."

I slowly eased up letting her go, as I raised up myself. Right before completely turning loose; however, I felt the shiver our touch sent through her. I smirked at her letting her know I felt her shiver from my touch. She just evilly eyed me some more. God, she was so adorable when she got frustrated.

It was his Eyes {ON HOLD}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant