Chapter 23: The Bastard in the Basement

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Chapter 23:  The Bastard in the Basement

copyright© 2011


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Ian looks like he would rather take on a wild bear with his bare hands than tell us about the bastard in the basement. Jolie ordered him to 'fix it', which includes giving us at least some of the details. I wanted to go to her, but it was clear she wanted her space. I looked back at Ian waiting for him to break the silence.

"Hell, I have no idea where to begin!"

Ian starts pacing; I start thinking about, what I could offer as advice. He interrupts my train of thought.


He stops again, running his hands through his hair. Looking around, I see Derek shrug his shoulders, and Jeremy gives me a questioning look. I am clueless on how to help Ian; he is obviously struggling...

"Ian...umm err, ok... let's just lay some facts out... We have a bastard in the basement we need to get rid of, he belongs in jail; nevertheless, Jolie will not allow that. I'm guessing; she would be against us throwing him over a steep cliff, also."

I hear Jeremy, and Derek snicker; Ian grunts. It's a nice picture in my head watching him tossed over. I'm sure they are also enjoying that visual option.

"She has ordered you to handle it. I'm guessing again here, but you probably need our help figuring out, how to handle the bastard."

Ian nods his head showing a little relief in his eyes. I'm really felt for the man. This is some eef'ed up... shit, and he barely knows us. Telling almost strangers about something so personal, can't be  easy. I hate causing him to tell us more; however, we needed to know her reasons, so we can understand better. We also needed to understand exactly where the bastard's head, cause honestly he doesn't seem very stable mentally. Plus, we have the whole issue of holding him in the basement, without telling the cops about his crimes. I mean, that makes us look like crazy criminals. What will the bastard do, once we let him go?

"We all know why he deserves to be in jail without actually saying it out loud. So, I think we, or at least I need to understand... umm maybe, why Jolie is mad at us for having that bastard tied up in the basement, along with why she isn't pressing charges against him."

Ian just plops down in a nearby chair; he groans, rubbing his face with his hands before sighing loudly. Jeremy gets up, and goes to the kitchen. He comes back carrying a six-pack of beer. Jeremy hands Derek, and I bottles, then opens a bottle handing it to Ian, before grabbing one for himself. Ian gives him small thanks, before looking at us.

"Grey, I know you are confused. Hell I confused, and I know the details. I wish... well; it doesn't matter what I wish. This situation is... it's a freaking mess."

He downs the beer in his hand, grabs another before continuing,

"What I want, and what should be done is not going to happen. Jolie is adamant about keeping this secret. I just can't refuse her wishes. So, I agreed to handle this her way, as long as she was ok with me filling y'all in so you can help me."

I looked over at the guys again, there was no question they were in this hundred percent. I could see they felt for Ian, as I do. It can't be easy for him. Ian has to explain Jolie's reasons. It was clear; he did not agree with her decision.

"I suppose the best thing is just to start at the beginning, and run through this mess with, as little details as necessary."

The guys and I nodded our heads, sitting back giving him our full attention.

It was his Eyes {ON HOLD}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora