Chapter 2: Can I disappear please?

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It was his Eyes

Written by:

Sandra Pollock

Copyright.© 2011

All Rights Reserved

Edited by: Effy Cook


Chapter 2: Can I disappear please?

     The afternoon flew by, and I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that I wanted to disappear.

     I was struggling to understand what happened this morning. What was he talking about, meeting after school? Did he actually think I would go along with pretending we agreed to meet up after school? What was hiss deal? I was sure I made it clear to him that I didn't what to get to know him. Thinking about it made my head start to ache. I decided that I would just hide in my room until my classes ended. I had been wishing I had 7th period free so if he was actually serious about what he said and showed up at three I could be long gone. Was his ego so big that he thought I was like all the rest of the females around here who drooled at the very thought of him? Well, he had another thing coming if he thought I would be your typically drooling foul.

     7th period started, and I began to form a plan in my head. I was not stupid so no matter what, I would not be waiting around to see if he showed. I was going to run, like a roadrunner, out of here as soon as that bell rang. Wait, could I get fired if I let my students out early? Hmm...

     Five minutes before the bell rang, I cleared my throat.

     "OK, kids, let’s pack up. I will let you leave in three minutes. But listen, be quite in the halls. I don't want to get in trouble. I have um, an important appointment, so I’ve got to leave soon.”

     So I locked up behind the last student leaving and thought to myself how perfect my plan was working out. Being careful to watch for Coach Zanndy in the halls, I practically ran down the hall. I silently cursed as I saw that gorgeous bod came strolling down the hall. You could even see that sexy smirk on that beautiful face of his. How did he get here so fast? I squeezed into a group of giggling girls, which he avoided at all costs. Perfect escape. Thank you, God, for hormonal teenagers! I'm free and in the clear! I rushed to my SUV and pulling my keys out of my bag, clicked my alarm. I looked down to find the correct key so I could start the car quickly.

     Then it happened! I walked into a human brick wall. I screamed, lost my balance, and then fell on my butt. Geez, couldn't I catch a break! Looking up, I knew there was steam coming out of my ears!

     "What the jumping jeepers!” I screeched.

     He chuckled in that deep baritone voice. "I'm so sorry I guess we just keep 'bumping' into each other."

     "YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BY MY CAR?” as my head cleared, I wondered how he knew where I parked? "Are you stalking me or something?" I groaned out the last question.

     He had the nerve to laugh—and loudly too. "Well, Ms. Petters--it is Ms. Petters, correct? I figured that you might try avoiding our planned meeting. So, I took it upon myself to find out exactly who was the Senior English teacher here. After that, I felt it would be beneficial to learn where you park. I then decided it would be best to move my car beside yours to avoid any further problems this afternoon."

     "OH, MY GOD! YOU ARE A STALKER!!" he was actually started to creep me out a little.

     He chuckled again, "No, but it does seem that I might turn into one if you keep running away from me. And why is it that you do that, anyway? Do I make you nervous? Or maybe you find me attractive?"

     "Oh, please! Don't flatter yourself! I am not in the ‘Coach Zanndy drooling club’."

     He raised an eyebrow and gave me that sexy smirk of his, "Drooling club?"

     “Look, I like to be, well, blunt. So let’s not pretend that you have NOT noticed all the women drooling over you and trying their best to get your attention. Instead, let’s cut to the chase. What do you want from me?" I said, smirking at him.

     Humming nonchalantly, he did the unthinkable. My personal space was completely invaded. The smell of his cologne made me almost pee in my pants. To make matters worse, he leant in close to my ear, whispering so that his breath blew down my neck.

     "You sure you want to know exactly what I want from you, Ms. Petters? You could end up getting more than you bargained for.” he said seductively, while breathing in my ear, sending shivers down my back. I swore I felt his mouth on my neck. I jumped back, glaring at him with my “the-devil-is-going-to-hunt-you-down” look.

     "Please, have you never heard of personal space? Do you mind?!” I said through my clenched teeth.

     He chuckled, "Sorry, Jolie I just can't seem control myself when it comes to you. You have bewitched me." I rolled my eyes and groaned a “Whatever, dude”. He laughed again, and the next thing he said made me decide that he definitely was crazy!

     "I promise this: I will not stop 'stalking’ you until you agree to have some coffee with me.” getting closer to me again, he continued.

     “I'm quite determined, so, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can follow me and go get coffee with me, or I can follow you home and we can have coffee at your place. Your choice!” He then leant back up, and reached for the door of his black BMW, cocking an eyebrow as he awaited my answer.


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