Chapter 3: Backed in a corner

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Chapter 3: Backed in a corner

This is a very short chapter sorry.


"I still don't see why I couldn't have driven myself here.", grumbling under my breath. He leans closely near my ear making me quiver, he whispers,

"Because, though I have only spent about 20 minutes with you, I have the instinct impression that you would have tried your best to get rid of me."

I roll my eyes mumbling a whatever grumpily. Then said, “OK Mr. Zanndy, I'm listening so let's just get this over with. "

He chuckles silently, "I'm astonished by your hostility towards me. It's actually quite puzzling, don't you agree?" He actually wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I am fuming what nerve of this hunky man! "I DO NOT agree and I am NOT 'hostile'. I happen to be just very impatient with flirty guys. It's a waste of time, which I seem to be short of." He doesn't seem to get the implication unfortunately, so I continue, "We work together, Mr. Zanndy. There is no point in getting to know each other. Nothing can come of it." Humming that sexy sound, he must know how it effects women. I'm getting an impression that this dude is a serious player & extremely dangerous. He starts staring intensely into my eyes again. I can't seem to breath. Those eyes are like drugs to me.

He finally said, "Honestly, I was just trying to be friendly; however, your lack of conversation spiked my curiosity. That is what lead to my 'stalkish' behavior. So, you see you have only your self to blame. And please call me Greyson." He paused a second then continued, "Plus it's not like we work 'together'. I been here over a week yet today is the first time I have seen you." He seemed to increase that intense stare while saying that last bit. I glance down at my coffee feeling it's important to break the eye contact. I start studying a spot on the table acting suddenly very interested in it. It seems I can't clear my head. His words infuriate me, yet those intense eyes seem to have my brain turning into wet noodles.

I clear my throat with a sigh, "Look Mr. Zanndy." I had no intention in calling him by his first name. It seemed like if I did that he would think he has won. Won what, I'm just not sure, "I'm sorry if you took my... lack of conversation this morning as rude or 'hostile." He cocks that sexy eyebrow again but makes no comment so I continue, I'm just not the type to make friends with co-workers. Well of the opposite sex that is. It tends to get awkward if one gets interested in let's say, 'more than friendship." Thinking to myself how I have been down that road a few times."It's just better to keep it professional & strictly business. So considering that, I just didn't feel the need to converse."

He smirks at me like... you are so full of crap. Then he seems to be thinking something over for a few minutes while drinking his coffee. Trying his best to look me in the eyes again. I avoid this by pretending to be interested in that spot again. The silence starts making me nervous so I look up at him. Our eyes lock & I melt. Can he see my soul when he looks at me like that? It's like he can control me with his intense eyes. I've always been appealed to a set of nice eyes but never to this extent. I have never been affected by someone's eyes like his. Honestly, I'm starting to wiggle in my chair cause he's scaring the jeepers out of me.


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