Chapter 20: Male Bonding

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 Chapter 20: Male Bonding

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2011.

This chap is still in Greyson's POV next chap will be Back to Jolie's POV

Not edited so sorry for any errors.


Ian looks over at me, looking down in my arms at Jolie.

He quietly asks,

"What's wrong with her?"

"Isn't that loaded question, Ian?"

Ian looked up startled, studying me.

I was pissed about everything, I was about to unleash my frustrations on him. So, I continued,

"There would be nothing wrong with her, if you would have just answered my questions! Would there, Ian?"

Ian's eyes flared with fury, but he remained silent.

After a few seconds, his eyes changed to what looked like sadness and regret.

He replies,

"I guess, I would have said the same to you, if the tables were turned. I believe this whole mess has been heavy on the heart. We both know who is to blame for this, it is not I nor you. It's the bastard bloodied up over there. I know, I will never be sure of what would have happened, had I chosen to speak without permission. I am quite certain, you going to Brendan would have happened regardless; nevertheless, it would have probably happened a little differently. I will even admit I would have preferred that other much better; however, I was not my decision to make, Greyson. Jolie is must definitely driving us both crazy with this mess. Though, do not blame her, she is handling it the best way she can. Which I believe is amazing, and I think once you get the whole picture will agree with me. We are both confided to honor her wishes, though we both will agree to disagree with her methods rather strongly. They will always be wrong in our eyes, but with that, it is not our right to judge. Greyson, I am very aware of your feelings for my sister, and though Jolie has not said it, or is even willing to admit it to herself, I believe she has the same feelings for you. We both would like to take the pain from Jolie, she does not deserve it. Unfortunately, it is not up to us to decide what is right for Jolie. Only she can do that, herself. So, we can only be here for her.”

When I saw the regret in his eyes, I knew it was wrong trying to blame him.

He was a guy that didn't up to conclusions, the more I got to know him the better I liked him. But, even so, his continued riddle talk was becoming beyond annoying. That was a freaking speech he just declared out, and I was still unaware of the damnable topic. I was getting frustrated with never getting straight answers.

I guess Derek saw it coming, because before I could say anything he interrupted me.

"Grey! The whole problem with is shit, is it's not Ian's story to tell. That is what he is trying to get your lovesick heart to hear. So, shut up before you embarrass yourself more, acting like some Romano to your Joliet!"

This of course caused everyone that was awake to bust out laughing, besides me of course. I just gave them all eat shit looks, then just looked down at Jolie in my arms.

Jeremy cleared his throat, and got the conversation back on track.

"Well, with all that cleared up, we do have a rather ugly bastard on the floor, and I'm sure Jolie could use some rest. So, do we have any plans Ian?”

Ian looked perplexed, or more like a deer in front of some really close headlights.

“Hell, I have no clue. I've been just going from moment to moment since, Jolie called me three weeks ago!”

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