Chapter 8: Say My Name

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Chapter 8: Say My Name


What is this man doing to me? I am not one to be pushed around. I mean I have 9 older siblings to do that! OK, Jolie focus!

“Dude, what is your deal? You seriously have some real issues. Have you never seaked help for your stalkish ways?”, I ask this as calmly as I can. Feeling a little better now that I'm standing with a few feet between us. But seriously I have to figure out how to get rid of this guy.

He breaks out with this loud laughter. Once he calms down, he clears his throat, “I am sorry, I see by your face that you don't appreciate me laughing. I truly don't mean to offend you; but, you are just so cute.

I rudely interrupt him by hissing, “Babies are cute, dogs are cute, I am not either you of those. DO NOT call me cute!” I could tell he was having a very hard time refraining from laughing again. He seemed to only be able to hold on to that. His face showed all that he wanted to do, though.

He murmurs out, “ Forgive me. I was not aware of that. Now, to try and answer your earlier questions.”, he seems to think on it a second. “I can in here to see you during my lunch break. You were not in the classroom, so I was just looking around while I awaited your arrival.”, he seems to try and get rid of the smile on his face.

“I must have gotten so focused on my surroundings; therefore, did not hear you come in. Your store room does not hold some secret does it?”, the smirk back on his face.

I give him my best eat do-doo glare while crossing my arms., “Don't you think it's a little rude to just walk in another person room and roam around noisily? Someone that seems to possess a brain, you are lacking in common sense.”

“It is true that I tend to overstep my boundaries, at times. Though, it seems only with you.”, he said this while he started walking toward me. Not stopping until he toes are touching mine. I hold my breath trying my best not to inhale his cologne. He starts leaning toward my face but stops right before touching my lips.

I squeal out shakily, “What are you doing, Mr. Zanndy? This is highly inapproperiate.” Was it just me or was my voice to weak to convince anyone I believed what I just said? I take a deep breath while he is still not even an inch from my lips.

“Well, I believe at this moment, I am going to kiss you unless you start calling me Greyson. Do you want me to kiss you? I know I want to kiss you.”, his minty breath lingers on my lips.

“Of...uh um mm... of course, I don't want you to kiss me! That is... well it's... yes it's totally...”, crap what am I talking about? He body leans on me and he places his hands on my waist.

“Yes, Jolie it's totally what?”, he whispers as I feel that electricity he seems to always generate with his touch.

“uh h mm... what did you ask?”, my mouth and body completely betraying my brain. I think even my brain is betraying me.

He lowers his voice into this sexy purr, “Say my name, Jolie. I want to hear my name on your lips.”, his lips more down to my neck lightly touching my skin and sending in further into spell. Again, I hear, “Say my name, please Jolie.”

I give up, I just can't even think anymore. My body betraying me further by closing what inches were left between us, “ I can't.” This came out in a bare whisper in a tone I had ever heard from myself. Then the final betrayal my lips seem to sing, “Greyson, please...”

Groaning he grasps me tighter seeming to have no more control left. As his lips begin to touch my lips...


We both jump back and turn around right when Mary Jane appears at the store door.

“OH! OH!, I'm sorry Coach Zann and Ms. P! I will come back later.”, she said this with this look saying I knew you were dating each other.

I eye my eyes gritting my teeth, “Mary Jane, don't be silly! Mr. Zanndy was just getting something for me on the top shelf. You know how short I am. I can never reach anything!” That actually came out sounding like I was annoyed at the thought of my height instead of being annoyed by her.

On the other hand Mary Jane gave me a look like, yeah do you actually think I am THAT stupid, please! However, she murmurs, “Oh of course, I never thought any different.”

I walk around Greyson and lead Mary Jane out of the store room hoping my legs don't betray me. I was still shaking like a leaf on a tree in the middle of a hurricane.


Well, I like how this chapter turned out. 

Let me know how you liked it!


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