Chapter 6: Destiny

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Chapter 6: Destiny


I didn't even notice the little spitfire in front of me until I heard books flying across the hall. I glance down as something lands at my feet.

The most beautiful shimmering blonde hair is the first sight I see. It's flowing down half her back. I never knew someone could have so many different colors in their hair. There was no question, it was all natural. She was so petite. I thought she was a student until she looks up at me. Thank god she wasn't because I would have been in trouble. Once I saw her eyes I was lost in them. They were the lightest green I had ever seen. I immediately thought about how everyone always talked about how my clear blue eyes. Some saying they were killer eyes. Dang! This girl's eyes blew mine out of the water. To top it off she had a face of an angel with perfectly heart shaped lips that were just full enough to know they would be delicious to kiss. Perfect was the only word you could use to describe the vision in front of me. Nothing could have prepared me for her. I reach down to help her up, basically because nothing could have stopped me from touching her. I couldn't wait another moment. I had to feel and see if her skin was as soft as it looked. And boy was it! It was like silk, but nothing cool about her. It was like touching hot silk. Trying my best to control myself, when I start feeling electricity. It was like thousand bolts of it running throughout my whole body. I mean I'm freaking tingling all over. I never knew that things like that could actually happen in real life. It was like I was stuck in some cheesy romance novel. It took everything in me to let her go. But, something in her eyes told me to trend very lightly with her. Which is odd if you consider what she look like. Shes tiny, petite, almost fragile looking. I laugh at myself thinking about how she was after that thought. There was nothing fragile about Jolie Petters. She should be the definition of a false cover. She was the sexiest spitfire I had ever met. Reformed player maybe but me still supposedly waiting til my 30's for something serious became the puppy dog following her around. Actually a more accurate term would be a dog in heat. To make matters worse for me that personality was a huge turn on. I mean I'm like 6'5" and is she even 5 feet? Yet, she is got me by the balls so to speak. haha.

Oh, within seconds I knew this girl was 'the girl'! There would be no going back now. I would do anything and I mean anything to make her mine. The thought of another just looking at her made me want to learn new way of killing people.

I close my eyes just remembering yesterday's confrontation. The fire in those killer eyes. Who would have known that those eyes could actually become even more sexier than they already were. When she stormed out of the coffee shop.

it took me a whole 3 minutes to control my laughter. Some of her words and terms of telling me fall was priceless. It's like I couldn't wait to hear the next one. She keeps surprising the heck out of me. But I knew I couldn't afford a second longer before heading out for her. No, that girl would be long gone in seconds if you let her.. So once again, I was running after her. My only goal was to convince her that we are meant to be together. It was just a plain fact. As clear as the glass of the coffee shop. I open my eyes, they have extra sparkle to them. Just thinking about her makes my heart race!

I jump up ready to begin stalking the beautiful Jolie Petters. I will not stop until my goal is complete. We are destined for each other. Now, it's just getting her to attempt that.

The games begin....


Pretty excited about whats to come:) 

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