Chapter 30 Part One

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Hi, guys! So after much thought, I decided I wouldn't change the story's name. However, if after you read the ending, you still would like the story's name to be changed, you can contact me at (at sign (Wattpad won't let me use it) Enjoy, vote, and comment!

BTW, on my end of story authors note, I'll shout out those who followed the story longest. Also. how do you change your username?

A troll. A dumb, ignorant troll. Perfect. Leaping bravely onto the troll's head, Legolas grabbed the chain connecting to the troll's collar and forced it forward. The troll let out a shriek of discomfort and lumbered stupidly into the pillar-like rock, ramming it with his head, causing it to become a bridge to the other mountain. Satisfied, Legolas drew his daggers and plunged them into the troll's head, killing it. Just before the brainless creature hit the ground, he leaped off onto the rock bridge, hitting the ground running. (Yes, literally) Praying that he wasn't too late, he crossed the bridge and followed the Tauriel's screams. Suddenly, she stopped screaming. His heart sinking into his stomach, he sprinted blindly in the direction of her previous cries.

Quite abruptly, he skidded to a halt upon hearing another scream. This one male. And dwarvish. And only one dwarf would help Tauriel. Kili. Had Kili somehow reached Tauriel before he? Hoping despairingly that this was the case, he listened carefully for another dwarf yell. Hearing none, he realized he had been standing still for Valar knew how long. Cursing himself, he resumed running in the cries' direction.

His sky blue eyes widened as he saw Tauriel's motionless body lying next to Kili's bloodied one. He rushed forward, horror taking over him. Just as he was almost there, a large, muscular figure with a cruel, twisted face spotted him. A sneer twisting the figure's scarred face further, he strode toward him. Bolg. At that moment, Legolas knew it was Bolg who was fighting Tauriel and Kili. An indescribable feeling of immense rage and hatred filled him as cold wrath darkened his face. Unsheathing his sword, he strode forward, determined to avenge Tauriel and Kili. Well, Kili not so much.

Fury driving him, he slashed at Bolg several times, but he dodged all and made his own attacks, which Legolas parried. It was as if the rest of the world had fallen away. Both of their minds were filled with an unquenched desire to win. Bolg, to prove that the prince was nothing on him, Legolas, to avenge Tauriel. Bolg swung his spiked mace downwards, crushing the part of rock Legolas was standing on. Legolas desperately grabbed at the air to slow his fall, but luckily, another rock was not far underneath the broken one, and he landed quite safely on it. Bolg jumped down to join him, and their blades were locked together. Snarling, Bolg slammed Legolas onto the side of the rock, causing that piece of rock to fall away. Recovering quickly, Legolas jumped backward as Bolg crushed the rock where Legolas was previously standing, and they fought their way to a clear area, just below where Thorin and Azog were fighting. Suddenly, Bolg placed a well-aimed blow that knocked Legolas to the ground. He raised his spiked mace.

"Goodbye, little elfling."

Above them, Thorin flung a large, Bolg-lookalike orc down onto Bolg, and the two heavy orcs crushed the rock underneath them, and both fell through the rock, saving Legolas. Glancing up at Thorin, he saw that the dwarf king was weaponless and defenseless. An orc approached, raising his blade. Thorin braced himself, looking away, ready for the blow that would never come. Thorin looked back at the orc. He had dropped his crudely crafted blade, for another sword, one of legend, was buried in his chest. Thorin heaved himself off the icy ground, pulling the weapon free. He gave Legolas a grateful look as he strode toward Azog with renewed determination and vigor.

"RRARGH!" Bolg charged up the slope made by pieces of rock, swinging his mace forward. Caught by surprise, Legolas barely dodged the heavy blow and swiftly slid his daggers out of their sheaths. Parrying another swing from Bolg's mace, he gashed a deep wound in Bolg's shoulder, causing a deep, animal-like roar of pain from the scarred white orc. Legolas attempted to stab him again, but Bolg used his hand as a sort of shield, and Legolas' dagger went right through it. Bolg looked slowly, almost disbelievingly, down at his skewered hand. Closing his hand around the dagger handle, Bolg wrested it from Legolas' grip. The orc swung the sharp end of the handle of the mace at Legolas, who grabbed his wrist with both hands to stop the attack. Bolg looked down slowly again at his dagger-kabob hand.

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