Chapter 9

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Legolas's POV:

Tauriel's face is streaked with tears. I can see sadness and regret in her eyes.

"No.." she whispers. "I don't want to ruin your future. Please, don't..."

With that, she sprints away. But not before I grab her arm.

"Tauriel. Please. Just listen."

She nods slowly and I lead her to my chambers.

"Ada arranged the marriage-"

"I know. I heard everything," she says.

"The whole thing?"

She nods.

I relax. "You know I would never leave you."

She looks away. "It is not that. You must marry Lady Elyrianneth for the kingdom's sake."

"Tauriel, I-"

She puts a hand on my lips. "Shh. Let's just be friends while Lady Elyrianneth is here."

She smiles. "I'm sure you can figure something out."

Tauriel's POV:

I think he's buying it.

The smile was 100 percent fake. I had no intention of letting Legolas marry a lowly Silvan elf like me. As King Thranduil said, it was for the good of the kingdom, and I was certainly not going to get in the way.

Legolas's POV:

Oh Tauriel. You are not fooling anyone. I think sadly.

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