Chapter 12

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Thanks to PrincessofChaos222 for being the first to comment! BTW, Elyrianneth is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. :)

Throughout dinner, Elyrianneth made no more snide remarks about Tauriel, but also made several fruitless attempts to endear herself to me. Whenever she tried to grab to grab my hand, I quickly moved to grab my wine glass or get more food. Tauriel looked happier and happier every time she failed to romance me. Elyrianneth, on the other hand, looked irritated and angry. Finally, she ensnared me in a conversation.

"So, Legolas, do you like dancing?" she asked in an overly sweet voice.

"No," I say quickly, thinking of where that question might lead.

"Really? Me too! We have so much in common!" she practically screams in delight. She hugs my arm, and due to a warning glare from Ada, I couldn't shake her off. As soon as she loosens her grip,
I snatch my arm away. Elyrianneth, however, snuggles into my chest. I catch a whiff of her distinctive lavender perfume.
"Excuse me, my lady." I stand up. "Tauriel and I have nighttime patrol."
Elyrianneth's POV:

That Silvan huan (dog) is stealing my love from me. Again. That is utterly unacceptable. But I put on a smile.

"See you later!" I kiss Legolas on the cheek. I feel him stiffen. Why? Why doesn't he love me? Every other elf I've met has fallen victim to my beauty. Just not him, the one that matters.

If Tauriel wasn't here, everything would be perfect! If only... If she didn't love him..Or, if Legolas believed that she didn't love him...

I know what I have to do. To take back my love. To make that Silvan piece of dirt suffer.

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