Chapter 20

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Hey there. I changed some stuff in Chapter 19, go check it out. I think it's better now. E, v, c! -Joann

Amin mela lle = I love you

Tauriel's POV:

Ouch. I am sore everywhere, especially right arm. And I am in my, I am in...the hospital? Suddenly, everything comes back to me. My eyes blink open.

"Tauriel! You're awake!" Legolas' concerned face hovers over me.

"How long was I unconscious?" I ask groggily.

"Four days."

"What?! Four days? But-but my captain duties-" I exclaim, shocked.

"Relax. Remember, the law states that any injured elf or elleth is excused from duty for one day after they are deemed fit by the healers," Legolas says.

I snort.

"You're the only one who can remember that," I tease.

"I can't help it, having the King as a father," he replies.

"Oh! How is Elyrianneth?" I remember saving her by taking the arrow, but I was unconscious after that.

"What? What about her?" he asks, confused.

'Oh. He doesn't know...' I realize. For some reason, I didn't really want to tell him.

"Tauriel!" General Ohtar walks up to me. "Good job on your last patrol. I am sure Lady Elyrianneth is grateful. Noble of you to do that. Just what I expect from my team."

"Thanks," I smile. Any praise from Ohtar is extravagant praise. But did he really have to mention Elyrianneth?

"What about Lady Elyrianneth?" Legolas asks Ohtar.

"You don't know? Lady Elyrianneth was in the forest and was caught in the battle. The Morgul shaft Tauriel took was meant for the lady," Ohtar tells him, surprised at his question.

I see his fist clench, his knuckles turning white.

"And what was the lady doing in the forest?" he questions in a quiet, fury filled voice.

Ohtar shrugs. "That's beyond me. She was probably spying. After all, she should know that the forest of Mirkwood is not particularly pleasant. She has the Royal Garden for walking."

Ohtar glances at the sun. "Must be off now. Namaarie, Tauriel, Taren Legolas."

Legolas turns on me. "Why didn't you tell me she was spying?"

"I didn't know!" I say, just as shocked as he is at the news.

"Excuse me. I need to talk to her," Legolas growls, and stalks off.

'So. I saved the life of the person who was trying to make my life hell. Interesting.' I sigh. ' Ah, well. Too late now to change my mind.'

Elyrianneth's POV:

I open a dusty sky blue box adorned with gold and jewels. In it lies an unused dagger, forged by the High Elves of the West. It rested on a bed of white silk. Imladris elves typically don't need to defend themselves as much as Mirkwood elves, but it was still a custom to give an elleth a dagger on her 100th birthday. Elves got theirs when they turned 10.


I blew on the dagger, ridding it of dust. The silver blade shone brightly, contrary to my dark thoughts.

Tearing my gaze away, I drop the blade. I reach for my quill and parchment.

Dipping my black feather quill into a small bottle of deep blue ink, I begin to write.

Dear Everyone,

When you read this, I will have committed suicide. I won't tell you why, and don't worry about me. I will find peace in the stars. Thank you, Ada, Naneth, for raising me. Thank you, Heru Thranduil, for letting me stay. Goodbye, my brothers, Elladan and Elrohir, my sisters, Arwen, Calithileth, Haereleth, Ammareaneth. Goodbye.

Love, Elyrianneth Undomiel, daughter of Elrond, fourth princess of Imladris, house of Elrond

I roll up the parchment, securing it with a velvet ribbon. I climb onto my bed, taking the scroll and dagger with me.

One, two, three.

I take one last look at the world. Then, taking a deep breath, I plunge the dagger into my chest. It doesn't hurt a bit. For a moment, nothing happens. Then, crimson blood gushes out of the dark red wound like a waterfall. Everything goes in and out of focus, and I collapse onto the crimson-soaked bed.

"Amin mela lle, Legolas..." I manage to whisper with the last of my strength.

The world becomes less and less visible until it finally darkens and my conscience slips.

I can finally be at peace.

Legolas's POV:

'Where is that little liar?' I think angrily. Tauriel could've died because of her petty jealousy.

Elyrianneth usually wasn't in her room. She enjoyed staying in the Royals' Lounge, flaunting her power and riches.

I shove open the deep red, gold-gilded door. There was no sign of Elyrianneth in the spacious room filled with lounge chairs, pools, and therapy beds.

"Nae Elyrianneth sinome? (Was Elyrianneth here?)" I growl at a servant.

"N-n-n-n'uma, amin heru..." the servant stuttered. "The lady has not been here all day."


I storm out of the room, determined to find her.

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