Chapter 23

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Hi! I feel like I'm updating a little faster now! BTW next 3 or 4 weeks, I won't update very fast because of summer camp. Right now, I postponed this week's summer camp for a few weeks later. Enjoy, vote, and comment! -Joann

PS To Caleigh: I'm a big dummy. I didn't notice the instructions on the back of the blue paper on how to do an explanatory tag. *facepalm* But I'm really glad I didn't throw that paper away!

Third person:

Tauriel scans the border of the forest for any signs of the orc pack or Kili, not noticing a bow being drawn behind her until the archer shifts a tiny bit, but shifts enough that she hears a different whistle in the wind. In one smooth movement, an arrow is pulled from the quiver and notched on an oak bow, pointed at the archer.

"I thought you were an orc," Tauriel sighs in relief, pointing the bow down, away from the archer.

"If I were an orc, you'd be dead," Legolas says, putting the arrow back. "You cannot hunt thirty orcs on your own."

"But I'm not on my own," Tauriel contradicts, with a knowing smile.

"You knew I would come," Legolas smiles in spite of himself. "The king is angry, Tauriel. For 600 years, my father has protected you, favoured you. You defied his orders. You betrayed his trust."

"Tul a n'alaquel yassen amin, ro lotesse lava lle (Come back with me, and he will forgive you)," Legolas adds.

"Nan' amin lotesse il (But I will not)," Tauriel shakes her head. "Manka amin auta n'alaquel, amin lotesse il- lava amin (If I go back, I will not forgive myself)."

She turns away. "The king has never let orc filth roam our lands. Yet he would let this orc pack cross our borders and hunt our prisoners."

"It is not our fight!" Legolas argued.

"It is our fight! It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow," Tauriel turned to face Legolas. "If your father had his way, we would do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light. And let darkness descend."

Legolas slowly turns to look at her.

"Are we not part of this world? Tell me, mellon, when did we let evil become stronger than us?" Tauriel demands.

Some time later-


"Hold him down!"

An orc slowly approached the small wooden house wielding a dirty, rusty sword with a curved blade, a malicious, hungry smile, raising his blade. His grin freezes as an intricate elvish dagger pins his neck to a post.

"Geav avhem! (Get them!)" a large white orc named Bolg snarled, waving a pack of orcs forward.

"Tauriel! There are more!" Legolas shouts, shooting a nearby orc.

"What are you waiting for, maggots?" Bolg yells, hefting his mace.

Arrows fly and death screams fill the air as orcs and elves clash, polished steel blade against orc-made rust and crude metal.

"Kili!" Tauriel rushes over to the dwarf who lies on a long wooden table crowded with herbs and medicine.

A few yards away, Legolas finishes the last of the orcs, all the while keeping a sad eye on Tauriel. The weight of loneliness and heartbreak weighed down on his shoulders as he stabbed the last orc, dodging a poorly aimed arrow from a retreating orc. He watches her and the dwarf, not wanting to see, but not able to take his eyes away either.

Inside, Tauriel examines the wound, wincing in memory of the Morgul shaft that had struck her only decades ago. She swiftly grabbed a handful of kingsfoil, or aethlas, as the elves called it, crushing the herb with her hands while chanting,

Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin,

Hon leitho o ngurth

Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin,

Hon leitho o ngurth

Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin,

Hon leitho o ngurth

with that, Kili's heavy breathing ceased to a soft breath.

"I've heard tales of the wonders of Elvish medicine," Oin tells Fili. "That was a privilege to witness."

Feeling rather flattered, Tauriel continue tying Kili's bandage until he speaks.

Tauriel's POV:

"Tauriel," he murmurs softly.

My eyes snap over to his now half-awake face.

"Lie still," I say, partly just to have something to say. Relieved that he would live, I also felt a bit awkward, as I could see Legolas out of my peripheral vision, watching us with sad eyes. A deep pang of guilt strikes me like a dagger as I realize he followed me all this way out of love for me, only to watch me care for Kili.

'Focus on healing him,' my inner self tells me. I tear my eyes from Kili's face and force Legolas out of my head. 'Just keep tying the bandage.'

"You cannot be her," he whispers weakly, more to himself than me.


"She's far away, far, far, away. She walks in starlight, in another world. It was just a dream," he mumbled.

I don't know what to say. Legolas' face contorts with pain, and he looks away as another dagger of remorse hits me.

Despite his delusional mumble, his hair-covered dwarf hand reaches for mine, and our fingertips briefly touch. How odd it looks, a dirty, hairy dwarf hand with stubby little fingers and dirt-caked fingernails that are impossibly small holding a slender, pure elf hand, with no imperfections and milky skin. With long, willowy fingers. How strange.

"Tauriel. We must go," Legolas says in a would-be emotionless voice, but I can hear the heaviness in it.

I let go of Kili's hand, giving it one last squeeze.

"Let's go, mellon-nin," I turn and walk back to Legolas, not daring to meet his eyes, where I know I will only find pain, sorrow, hurt, and loneliness.

Don't worry, this isn't a Kiliel story! I just need to follow BotFA and DoS and we're done with Kiliel! IT HURTS TO EVEN WRITE KILIEL BECAUSE I SHIP LEGRIEL TOO MUCH!!!!!!!! And as I told you before, I will change some stuff in the movies. Ok, bye! Thanks for reading!

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