Chapter 2

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Hi! I hope you enjoyed that first super short chapter! (I know, I'm sorry) Anyways, enjoy!

Tauriel's POV:

The world slowly swims back into focus, bright and sunny.

"Are you awake?"

I stare at the speaker, a young elf, with icy blue eyes and silvery blonde hair.

"Who are you?" I ask. I had never seen him before. Nor had I been in this place, full of crisp white beds and healers. Never had I been in a room this large and fancy, for the room's ceiling was covered with a vine-like pattern with leaves and flowers."Where am I?"

"My name is Legolas Thranduillion. And you are in the palace of Mirkwood, where you will live. " the elf tells me.

Why am I in the palace? Suddenly, last night's events return to my mind. I remember mother screaming, the commander, everything.

"Did mother really...die?" I whisper, already knowing and yet still dreading the answer.

Legolas bows his head. "Yes," he murmurs softly.

We are both silent for a few moments in a sorrowful vigil to my mother and all those who died in the attack.

"Well, what's your name?" Legolas finally asks, breaking the mournful silence.

"Tauriel," I say, looking up at him. He looks rather mesmerized, staring at me.

A servant hurries over, whispers something into Legolas's ear, distracting him and me.

"Well, Tauriel, my father, Lord Thranduil, is calling, yet again." Legolas sighs, getting up.

Legolas leaves, and I am left to my thoughts.

That evening...

"There, all done." Healer Ellessianeth says, rubbing the final bit of ointment onto a scratch. "Go and dine with your friend."

"I haven't got any.." I whisper timidly, not wanting to admit my loneliness.

"How about Prince Legolas? He seemed quite keen to visit you." Healer Ellessianeth says.

I bite my lip. I didn't know he was a prince. I shouldn't have talked to him. After all, I'm a lowly Silvan elf. And Silvan elves didn't talk to nobility. That was just the way it was.

"Go on." The healer nudges me. "He is in-Oh there he is!"

I turn, surprised.

"Good evening, Healer Ellessianeth. Hello, Tauriel." Legolas walks in. "Tauriel, mellon-nin, I'm supposed to show you to your room."

"Okay," I say shyly, still unsure on why he was speaking to a Silvan elf like me. Also, he looks dazed again. And stares at me again. Maybe it had something to do with being a Sindarin elf.

'He called me mellon! Friend! I guess Ellessianeth was right.' I think happily.


"Why are we-"

"Shhhh!" Legolas hushes me. He looks around furtively. "We're not supposed to be here."

I take a look at my surroundings. We are outside, but not outside through the gates. We went through a small tunnel, then the kitchen. And now we are on the edge of the lush green forest.

"Here! I want to show you something!" He hisses.

I nervously follow him onto a slanted log that leads onto a moss covered tree. We leap from tree to tree like monkeys until we reach a bright clearing surrounded by roses.

"Wow!" I exclaim, turning to see all the roses. I take a deep breath, smelling the sweet, fresh air.

"Can this be our special place, mellon nin? As a, you know, hideout of some sort?" He asks tentatively.

I beam at him. I finally had a friend. "Of course, my friend."

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