Chapter 17/Cut by the Mirror's Edge

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Image Dominatrix girl ( aka Krysten Ritter )  Video: Parkour/Free running. 

Earth/North America/Atlanta/Down Town

A few peaceful weeks later I had come back to my apartment building from my regular Parkour or Freerunning class. Kentro had discovered an Earth Parkour gym in an old converted brick factory. Atlanta was like mars people would say hello or good morning while you passed. I was getting to know local people, the robots started to say good morning and using my name immediately. My earrings would remind me of people's names so I was getting to know people. It was a ten minute walk way.

I turned a corner of what had been an elaborate bank which had been converted into a stylish shop. Then I passed a old front shop which had been converted into a hip cafe and finally passed an old restaurant front which had been converted into a pop-up bank. I passed a Subway Earth was full of quaint historic places like this, it was just neck deep in history.

I passed an electronic poster for Aunt Mallery. 'Friend me, I'm eligible' said the rather over thought and underwhelming slogan. People around here had a habit of meddling with adverts including Aunt Mallery's which had been graffitied 'I'm not going to eat you'. It took me a moment ah they had miss read 'eligible' as 'edible'. There was another one with an advert for ' artisan super seeded bread' and someone had written 'if there is something better than this then why are they advertising the old stuff?' I passed another one, the local massive Coca-Cola museum was doing an exhibit on 'historic Mining and Coal' and someone had added 'I'm not putting that stuff on my face again'.

I wondered about Parkour. On the Eye I was quite what we called the Markour ( Martian Parkour ), queen. If I wanted to do Parkour on Earth I had to get stronger and relearn my timing, and distance judgement all over again. Today I had mastered the Dash, Handstand, back jump, Arabian and Blanche, all under earth gravity. My balance was as good as it ever was. I was getting a feel for how far I could jump and soon would start exploring the city. It would come. Just like on mars I lied and told everyone I was doing a ballet class. If Aunt Catherine found out I was back to my old tricks who knows what she would do, possibly lecture me or cut my feet off in desperation. My family had thought that under this gravity I wouldn't try anything stupid or dangerous. They didn't realize stupid and dangerous was my middle name, that and Scarlett. Gravity couldn't hold me down on earth, it failed on the Eye. I would be free. I won't be squashed by them or by anything.

The whole Eye debacle had made me learn a new lesson. Along with my existing rules

1. Trust your wings ( Don't look down ) .

2. Your free and remember it ( Don't get caught )

3. You are a ghost ( Don't leave any evidence )

I now added

4. Ghosts are solo. (you can trust no one but yourself)

That was my last error and it's only a mistake if I did it again. I got into the elevator on the ground floor and just before the door closed a girl with black hair, a huge amount of makeup, black patent stilettos and tight black patent jeans got into it. She was carrying a bag of groceries.

"Hi" I said "I'm Scarlett Banks I'm new to this planet, I'm on the sixth floor."

The girl looked at me and said nothing and turned back. She paused for moment and returned to staring at the elevator door. I felt super awkward at her silence and not sure which particular convention I had broken, so I said nothing. She got out of the seventh floor and went in the same direction I would do on the floor below. That would explain a lot for the past couple weeks I had heard her click clicking on the ceiling above. I had been trying out my new shoes myself and I can hardly blame anyone, but who walked around in high heels all day in their own flat? I had noticed no sound on Mondays and Tuesdays and wondered what that meant. Was there a shoe based religion with flats prescribed on those days? Now I was more clueless than ever. I looked at her clothes. Atlanta could be hot, why was she dressed like that? Was she really trying to be the next Trinity in a remake of the matrix?

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