nature : chapter fourteen

Começar do início

Reece put the badge on Cory's shirt before kissing his head. "Have fun yeah?" He smiled, handing Cory his bag with a smile.

Cory nodded and jumped off the sofa before Reece said bye to all the kids, watching them leave with Luke before the door slammed closed.

And he was alone all day.

In the car, it was silent except for the radio playing and Cory singing along to the fall out boy song his dad had taught him.

They arrived at Cory's school first, Cory was joining the reception year, which was before year one, so Luke told the other kids to stay put before he got out of the car, helping Cory out before walking him to the gate. He bent down to his son, straightening out his fringe. "Be good, I might be here to get you later than usual today alright?"

"Because of the other kids?" Cory questioned and Luke nodded. "Why did the others have to come with Reecey? I only like Reecey."

Luke smiled tightly, "you'll learn to love them, they're good kids, I'll try and get here for you before five."

"Could Reecey come get me?"

Luke nodded, "if you want him to?"

"he's nice, I like him."

Luke kissed Cory's head, "have fun," he said before Cory turned and walked inside the school.

Luke went back to the car, next driving to Declan's school. He stopped outside the gates, "do I need to come with you?"

Declan shook his head, "I can do it."

"Okay have fun." Luke smiled before Declan nodded and got out the car, shutting the door behind him and Luke watched him walk up the path with his head down, it was his first day, he must've been nervous.

Luke then drove to his old high school and at the sight of it he sighed. He parked up outside across the road from the entrance.

The two girls didn't leave the car yet, "what's this place like?" Addy asked.

"It's decent, I went here. Just stay away from the football team because they're mean. And the cheerleaders." Luke said remembering him being obsessed over Chloe in her cheerleading costume. "In fact, don't even think of going near them. I went near a cheerleader and I ended up with a kid in return." Luke said honestly, "they're heartless."

The two girls laughed, telling Luke to have a good day at work before they got out of the car and headed in to the entrance, walking down the path. Luke watched, seeing a group of jocks watching them walk in and glaring at the boys.

Luke wound down his window, "Oi!" He yelled making the jocks look at him. "Don't even think of going anywhere near them two, I'll castrate you!"

"Alright, grandpa!" One laughed.

"Dude I'm twenty five, I went here!" Luke called back before wounding up the window and driving to his own work.

When he arrived he was later than usual so he got inside and instantly let the kids in, saying hi to Liv who was already inside putting paints out.

Luke quickly helped the kids with that coats before telling them to get to painting before he sat down with Liv, drinking his coffee. "You look stressed." Liv said, seeing Luke's tired face.

Luke groaned, "they've been living with me one day and I want to shoot myself already"

Liv laughed, saying "it can't be that bad?"

"There's four kids yelling and screaming and I've already yelled at Reece saying I don't care for him when I do and oh my god the kids ask so many questions." Luke sighed, "I've had Cory ask why the other kids are staying with us, and he asks about the baby every other second and he asks why Declan has to stay in his room and it's so hard to not just want to tell him everything."

Liv sipped her tea, "maybe talk to Cory, he's six, I'm sure he'll understand at least some things and besides, you look after twenty kids a day, you can deal with four, five if you count Reece."

Luke chuckled before nodding, "yeah I can do it. As long as Reece doesn't have triplets or something I'll be fine."

"That's the spirit."


My tongue is itchy??


Their new morning routine? Reece and Luke trying to work together?

The kids? School run?

Luke and Liv?

Predictions? Thoughts? Had a good day? Did you get a good tan? Have you see 5sos yet? Or will you? yaLL IF YOY GO TO SLFL VIDEO WTN AND GRB FOR ME AND TWEET IT ME THNX

Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora