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Melanie Grande.

It really doesn't sound good.

Our honeymoon was in California. We didn't want to leave the states so we stayed.

It was for a week. And having paparazzi on your ass all the time is the worst thing ever.

People kept asking about the wedding. And when they were going to see pictures.

Now we were back to work.

I was in my office thinking of ideas for new clothes.

There was a knock on the door. I specifically told my secretary to not bother me.

"Who is it?"

The door opened and in came in James.

I look at him confused.

"I thought you left already?" It came out more as a question.

"I missed my flight. And when I was waiting for my next flight. I saw something..."

"Something like?"

He sits down.

"...Or someone" he says.

"James you need to be more specific"

"You know that conversation we had for your wedding day. In the morning?"

"The one of.... Luke?"

He nods his head.

"I saw Jai at the airport so I went up to him and said hey. We were talking for a while and then someone else walks behind Jai. Similar looks to Jai." James says. "Then Jai notices me looking behind and Jai quickly shouts at him with the name Luke. And This Luke person turns around and notices me. He then walks away. I tried to ask Jai if that was who I thought it was but he quickly changed the conversation and said he needed to go. I tried to follow him but I lost him and couldn't find him"

"When was that?" I asked.

"Like half an hour ago" he said.


I still haven't told James that Luke went to the wedding and that he was the one who drove me to the wedding. I also haven't told him about Jai walking to my room before going to the church.

"Let's go get a coffee" I tell James.

He nods his head and we walk to the elevator.

Thankfully we don't have to get out of the neighborhood because there's a Starbucks right across the street from our building.

We were the only two in the elevator.

"How's Johnny treating you?" James asks.

"Good" I say.

"That's good"

I nod my head not saying another thing.

The elevator doors open and in comes in other people from other floors.

When we get to the bottom we walk out last.

I look outside and soon notice a paparazzi.

"I hate how they're always outside" I say to James.

"I don't know how you do it." He laughs.

I take out my shades from my purse and put them on.

James walks in front of me and I walk behind him hopefully nobody notices me.

When we walk out only one paparazzi comes to us. Which wasn't that bad.

"Melanie!" He repeated multiple times. "When will we be seeing pictures of the wedding?" He asks.

"Soon" I respond following James.

Sadly the crosswalk was just changing into the red hand. So James and I wait. Soon more paparazzi come running towards us.

People at the crosswalk were so confused.

James kept looking at the on coming traffic trying to hurry up the traffic. I laughed as he seemed annoyed by the paparazzi.

"Just wait till we get out of that place" I laugh.

"Till you walk out. I'm leaving ten minutes before you" he laughs.

As soon as the walking sign came on we started walking but the paparazzi were blocking our way.

Someone pushed me and I look over at who had pushed me.

"Don't touch me" I say with a firm voice.

We make it to the other side and walk to where the Starbucks was at.

Thankfully they can't come in or else this would be a fail.

James was on his phone.

I look around to see the people in here.

"It's so weird how our lives have changed" I say.

"I never really thought you've be this famous and important stylist."

James walks up and orders his drink.

I order mine.

"Do they seriously ever go home?" James asks. Looking out the window.

"Sadly no"

We get our drinks and sit away from the window.

We talked about life.

I was hoping James brought up the Luke thing but he hasn't.

"When are you going back on tour?" I ask James.

"It's not a tour. It's just gigs. And I have one for next week."

"People need to hear your music and how amazing you are" I say.

"Haha thanks but I'm going on my own pace"

"Whenever you're playing here let me know so I can go" I tell him.


Soon after we finished our drinks it was time for us to head on out.

James walked in front of me.

The paparazzi literally blocked the exit so we couldn't walk out. James was getting impatient because he was asking them nicely to make room but they wouldn't so he started pushing people of of the way.

I was annoyed also. I just wanted to grab one of their cameras and just throw it against the concrete and watch it break into pieces. But that'd be bad publicity or a lawsuit.

"Please move" I said.

It was honesty no help at all. We finally made it to the building. James and I sigh.

"They need better jobs" James says exhausted.

I laugh.

"Alright I'll see you soon. My flight is an hour" he says walking to the back of the building where his ride is waiting for him.

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