Chapter Nine (Edited)

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Sorry this took so long, I've been editing it and all the other chapters for a while. I'm off for holidays now so there should be another upload soon :)

Chapter Nine

Aria's POV

 Blaine pulled me out of the building at as fast as he could. I only had a brief moment to glance back at Ray, letting her know something was up, and then I was out of the door. Within seconds we were out into the heart of the night, running along the pavements.

                If anyone had seen us running, they might have noticed a slight rush of wind or a flash of colour before they were knocked over with the force of a train. Luckily no one was around. Within a minute we were out of the thick of the city, flying past hoards of drunks and partygoers.

                As soon as we reached the first few trees on the edge of the city, I split off from Blaine, rushing into the bushes to quickly strip out of my clothes and shift. In my wolf form I picked up my clothes in my mouth and rushed back over to where Blaine had now shifted. With a glance at each other we continued running through the trees, jumping over the protruding roots and low swinging branches.

                So...that girl at the club seemed nice? I heard Blaine snort beside me.

                She was nice yes, and that’s all you’re getting. I whined.

                That’s not fair! I never get any good gossip these days. He gave me a brief wolfish grin, but said nothing more. The rush of the wind filled my ears and I powered on, well past Blaine who trailed fifty metres or so behind me. Blaine was going full out to try and catch up with me, but I was hardly breaking a sweat.

                I knew I’d always been faster than most wolves, heck it I was probably faster than all wolves in the area, including the Air, Water and Earth packs. It only spurred me on further.

                The trees began to thin once again, and soon the top of a huge manor house could be seen, its great brick walls as tall as some of the trees as they stretched around the huge building. It was as imposing as the Elders themselves, grey and old-fashioned.

                Once again I changed and pulled my clothes back on and then I was storming towards the mansion.

The cast iron gates opened before me and I could hear Blaine coming up behind me.

                I threw the double doors to the meeting room open with more force than I should have, but I didn’t give it a second thought. The chatter that had filled the room now stopped as all eyes turned on me.

                “It’s nice of you to join us Aria.” I turned my eyes on Jase’s Dad, Nathan, who was smirking at me. I glared at him, looking swiftly to his side where I was surprised not to find Jase.

                “Now we can get started.” Blaine’s Dad rose from his chair, he was in charge this time, thank god.

                I hurried to stand behind my parent’s empty chairs, briefly smiling at Blaine’s Mum who greeted me as always.

                “We’ve come to a decision about the situation with Aria.” I ignored the smirk Nathan sent my way from across the table. I looked around at each pair of Elders from each pack and their Alpha female and male. They were all turned towards me.

                Jack sighed and I groaned. This wasn’t going to be good.

                “We’ve have eradicated any potential threat.” I bowed my head slightly as I thought back to the boy, “And we have decided that any further exploration into your parent’s death is too great a threat to allow. You will be forbidden to look into it anymore.” My head whipped to where Jack stood. He couldn’t be serious? Could he?

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