Chapter Three (Edited)

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Sorry I know this chapter is short! And I'm not going to tell you whose perspective it is!! mwahaha (I'm evil) you'll have to work it out for yourself :) heehee

Chapter Three

 I’d watched her from a distance; she’d been sat in her room, lying on her bed.

                There was another girl there, with hair so dark it was like the starlit sky above my head, but there was only one thing on my mind.

I could only see the slight outline of her figure, enveloped in the covers that were spread over her bed. I watched the black haired girl’s mouth moving, in response to whatever Aria had said.


                I knew what my job was, and believe me I’d been about to carry it out the night before, but there had been... complications. Those eyes, those beautiful eyes that were light blue and sparkled silver, had hypnotised me, and I’d completely forgotten what I’d set out to do.

                I zoned back in onto her bedroom window, ignoring my nagging thoughts, as the black haired girl stood, leaving Aria by herself.

                I didn’t move from my spot, I could feel the magic swirling around me, but it was foreign and I didn’t like it. The magic did its job though, shielding me from view of anyone. It circled around my arms, and slithered down my back bringing shivers from me with every purse of the energy.

But there was no need to be invisible, there was a minimal chance that she’d be able to see me and the only other things to see me would be the woodland creatures which scurried around the underbrush. Who would they tell?

                I became visible almost instantly, part of me wanting her to see me.

                No. You’re forgetting what you were assigned to do!

                I was about to become invisible again, feeling foolish for risking being seen when Aria began to get undressed.

                Now, believe me I’m not a pervert, but I couldn’t help but stare.

                She stood, slightly wavering on her feet, she was tired and by the looks of it already half asleep. She pulled off her boots, lit by the candles that flickered around her room. The glow set alight her fiery brown hair, making her red highlights glimmer. I couldn’t help but wonder if her wolf’s fur was the same colour, I hoped so.

                You expect to see her as a wolf? She’d kill you before you had the chance, she’s a monster! My anger rose, allowing me to concentrate on the task that I would soon complete.

                I looked over her, seeing the bruises that patched her skin and the slight bump in on her wrists where it seemed bandages were concealed. My eyesight might not have been as good as theirs but I could see well enough.

                She’s weak. You’ll have to strike soon or you might not get another chance.

                I watched her strip off her trousers, baring her beautifully tanned legs. I sighed. She was beautiful; I could admit that much.

                But she’s beautifully deadly. She’ll lure you in and then tare your throat out, do you honestly think she’d spare you like you’re sparing her now?

                I really hated my conscience sometimes, but I knew the answer. No.

                She walked across the floor, and collapsed into her bed, pulling her covers over her before the candles went out. I thought I saw her head looking out the window, but I knew if I moved she’d see me.

Why had I thought becoming visible was a good idea?

But her lights didn’t come back on and I couldn’t hear any of the wolves inside the house become alerted to my presence. I breathed a sigh of relief; she must not have seen me.

“Good night Aria, sleep well, because it may just be your last.” 

Hope you liked it :) please feel free to suggest celebs for the characters!!

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