Run Wolf Run (Edited)

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This is my new story! Please read it and tell me what you think :) enjoy!


 Their feet pounded on the wooden floor boards, two of them from what I could tell. But my mind was in a state of flux, unable to hold onto a rational thought for more than a second. It’d been driven insane by the darkness that enveloped me, and the silence that seemed to swallow every sound. My inner turmoil faded enough for a brief moment to allow myself to take a ragged breath and let my body tense as I awaited my fate.

                The footsteps didn’t hesitate. They continued forward above me until I heard the creek of a heavy door opening, I was blinded by the glimpse of daylight that suddenly flooded the vast room. I could see for the moment the light blared into my eyes that I was in a cellar, concrete walls and floor. There was nothing else in the room, only the chains that bound me to the wall and the blood that pooled on the floor.

                I heaved at the chains, only to hear the hiss of my burning flesh on the silver that coated them. I suppressed a scream as the light was shut off again by two shadows and then gone completely with a resounding clank as the door closed once again. I didn’t cry, only faced the sound of the footsteps descending the concrete steps, coming closer to me.

                They stopped and then separated, one moving across the room while the other stood only a metre from me. I could hear him take in a breath, slowly and shaky- he was scared. I couldn’t help but allow the corner of my mouth to curl in a cruel grin; this was going to be interesting.

From what I could tell he was quite tall and in his mid-teens. I could hear the blood rush through his veins, making my insides churn with longing as my mind went into overdrive. I couldn’t help myself but rush forward only to be met with empty air and the singe of the metal on my skin. It was worth it.

                The boy gasped, almost a whimper. He could feel my proximity as well as I could feel his and I could smell the sweat on him. The other person seemed oblivious to what was happening and continued across the room, their hand searching across the far wall until I heard the flick of the switch.

                Light erupted through the room once again, but I didn’t flinch.

                I came eye to eye with the man, black hair sat messily on top of his head. He wasn’t bad looking, well built with brilliant blue eyes; he could have gotten any girl he wanted. His breath stopped as he took me in also, eyes wide at the sight of my ragged exterior and the blood that matted my face, clothes and wrists. I didn’t need to see my reflection to know that I must have looked terrifying, but I could see my face reflected in his startled eyes and what I saw was enough to make my stomach churn.

                “Boo.” My voice boomed out into the room, bouncing off the concrete walls and causing the man to stagger backwards. I laughed, a cruel low laugh, which did nothing to lessen the man’s terror.

                I turned to the other figure, an older man in his late forties, with blonde hair streaked with white, turning it gold. His eyes a dark blue, they looked me up and down, no terror to be seen in the depths of his sapphire irises. I was impressed. I recognised him as the man that had managed to knock me out, and instantly focused all my attention on him.

                A growl escaped my lips, a rumble of a warning that bared my teeth, pearly white and very sharp.

                “So you’re the one that put me in these. You’ll die last, so you can suffer as I kill your son and then kill you- slowly.” My threat mixed with the growl, making it just that bit more sinister. I glanced towards the younger man; there was definitely a family resemblance, the same eyes and perfect bone structure. It must have been their house, the one I broke into.

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