Chapter Two (Edited)

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Second Chapter! Hope you like it, I've spent a long time perfecting this.

Chapter Two

 I stood in the corner, watching my pack sat around the living room in chairs, chatting with each other. I hadn’t seen them in days, they were like my family and I’d missed them.

                My wrists had begun to itch.

The silver had cut deep and I would have the scars to remember the incident by. I crossed my arms to prevent myself from scratching the bandages which hid beneath my long sleeved top.

                It was obvious everyone was talking about what happened at the club. I didn’t need enhanced hearing to realise that, the quick glances in my direction every two seconds made it abundantly clear. Let them talk; it was just their way of calming down, venting.

                I could feel the room temperature dropping, sure they were still pent up and I could tell Blaine was trying not to punch something, but it was a lot better than before. Blaine was pacing backwards and forwards in the middle of the room, fists clenched at his sides. He and I were the only two standing; Ray sat in the chair to my left as I leaned in the corner. She didn’t speak, just gazed over the pack.

                “Ok, we need to sort this out now.” Blaine’s voice broke the chatter and everyone was immediately silent, his fists flexed and balled up once again, but he stopped pacing. I could feel the heat radiate off him in waves, he was losing it. He kept glancing at the mark on my neck, from Jase, every few seconds.

“Jase was out of order today doing that to you.” He was fuming; I was surprised steam wasn’t billowing out of his ears. Why had Jase been so stupid?

                “It was nothing Blaine, he’ll get over it. It’s just hormones.” His brow furrowed, but if he was looking for any sign of fear from me he didn’t find it.

                “Did he- did he manage to break the skin?” If he had it would only cause more trouble for both of our packs. Biting another pack member was a big deal.

                “Wouldn’t want you getting rabies...” Ray chimed in, I almost smirked, but I’d been going out with Jase for a few months and this was serious.

                “No it’ll bruise but he didn’t break the skin.” I stepped away from the wall, leaving the matter of Jase alone for now. I met the eyes of each member of my pack in turn. “A few days ago, as you now know, I left to find some answers about my parents. I hadn’t heard anything in months and lately it’s been… getting to me. I managed to track down a higher ranking Hunter and broke into his house.

                I broke into his house, making sure that no one was there. I managed to find a room, locked, and inside there was rows of cabinets, all filled with files on hunters, potential threats and even some of the Hunters history. I couldn’t find anything to do with my parent’s though, nothing to do with our pack at all as a matter of fact. For some reason that seemed deliberate, as if someone had removed any information about our pack. Anyway, as I was looking through the last cabinet everything just went black. Next thing I know I woke up in a basement, silver chains and all,” Blaine winced as guilt covered his features, “now, I don’t know how they got the jump on me, but they did. Eventually I managed to change; I killed the Hunter and then got out of there. I burned up the house with him in it. There’s no way they’ll be able to tie it back to us.” I paused and looked around at each of them once again, “I’m going to fact the Elders alone tomorrow; this is my problem and mine alone, I’ll deal with it. I’m not dragging you all into this.” Immediately everyone was on their feet, all shouting over each other to be heard.

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