Chapter Nineteen (Edited)

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Here it is, the final chapter! It's been so long I can't actually believe I've finally finished it- I never finish stories. I know it's been a really long run but thank you so much for reading it, voting, all the comments etc. Your support has been great. Thank you so much, and enjoy!

Chapter Nineteen

Mystery POV

The beeping of machines woke me, my eyes fluttering against the bright light that streamed into them. My head ached, as did everywhere else, and the pain was almost enough to send me spiralling back into darkness.

                I knew I couldn’t though; I had to be there… I had to find her.

                I groaned, and tried to move but there was a weight pressing down on my chest. Warmth radiated from it, and as my eyes focused more, I could see the beginnings of brown hair with red strands intertwining it.

                I lifted my hand slightly and touched the soft texture.

                Her head shot up from my chest, the sudden movement causing pain to flare throughout it. I gasped. Then her eyes found mine and I knew I’d never feel a greater pain ever again; the sadness in her eyes was enough to have my heart searing and hands darting forwards to wipe the tears from beneath her eyes.

                “Why are you crying?” My voice came out raspy but as she heard it, she gave out a sob and pressed her face into my hands more.

                “Archer,” she blurted out, “I thought I’d lost you.” It was a whisper I almost didn’t hear.

I paused in replying, taking in her appearance, bandaged and bruised, and to think someone had done that to her caused anger so raw to surge through me, I knew whoever had done it was going to die. No one would hurt her anymore, I wouldn’t let that happen.

“You could never lose me; I think death would have to drag me in himself before I’d give up on you.” The corner of her mouth lifted into a smile so breath-taking it almost knocked the breath out of my chest.

“But you were bleeding, and broken,” Another sob left her throat, “You didn’t have a pulse.”

At her words I paused. I’d died and came back. It was a momentary thought that was soon replaced with the here and now. I had her back, of course I would have to explain everything to her, but at least I had her for the moment. I could savour the feeling of her in my arms, no doubt before she would run away for good. I was a Hunter, it could never be.

“I’m so sorry.” She slowly leaned away from me and gazed out of the window. “I’m a Hunter, yes, I was hired to kill you, but I could never hurt you.”

She stiffened slightly at my words.

“You made a pretty good show of it at the choosing ceremony.” Her voice was cold, and it cut through me.

“That was just to stop every single wolf in that hall from killing me on the spot.” My hands wanted to reach out at touch her, but I knew now was not the time.

“You have a funny way of showing it…” She trailed off, still not meeting my eyes.

“Do you remember that day in the forest when I told you I wasn’t getting on with my family? That they wanted me to do something that I just couldn’t? That was you. The orders came from the very top, and I mean the very top of the Hunter hierarchy.”

That had her head spinning around.

“The Guard, the head of the Guard ordered you to kill me?” Her eyes were wide with shock.

“Yes,” I reached out to touch her hand, “Aria, Nathan took their daughter, that’s the incentive that he’s had over us the whole time. He abducted th head of the Guard’s daughter” She yanked her hand from mine, “Why did you think the feud escalated a few years ago?”

“Their daughter, that’s the leverage he used?” She snarled. She lashed out and for a moment her face showed a glimpse of sympathy but it was soon replaced with a stony resolve. I could see her emotions were conflicted, she was unsure of whom to believe. She’d been against the Hunters her whole life and my words had her questioning everything she knew.

After a pause I spoke again, “Nathan killed your parents Aria. It wasn’t the Hunters but Nathan blamed it on them. He’s been lying to you for years.” I could see her eyes narrow at the mention of his name, she hated Nathan.

“All this time…” Her body shook as she held in a sob, “All this time it was him.”

I sighed wanting so desperately to take her into my arms, but as I glanced around the room I realised it was a normal hospital, “You should probably go before the other Hunters turn up.”

Finally, she turned back to me.

“Is-” she paused and raked in a breath, “Is this over?”

“Only if you want it to be...” My voice was firm, “I’m so sorry Aria, but I know this, what we have, isn’t wrong, no matter what anyone else says. You’re my mate, I know it shouldn’t be possible but I’ve heard stories… it must be the same for you, and as much as it should feel wrong, it doesn’t. I don’t want to lose you. I would never hurt you.”

I could see the torment in her eyes, she was conflicted. I’d hurt her, I was her enemy and she didn’t know what to do about it.

“I’m not going to lose you; I don’t care what you’ve done. Or who you are…” She leaned closer towards me. “I can’t lose you either.”

Then her lips were on mine, tingles running through me from the contact. Her soft lips set mine on fire, the heat radiating from hers and consuming mine. We moved together, soft and first and then tougher, the passion increasing. My hands ran up her arms, cupping her face and stroking her cheeks, running over the cuts and bruises that marred her skin.

I had her, finally. Everything was going to be okay.

She broke away from my lips momentarily, and I rose up with a whimper to reconnect our lips. She held me down with her hand, a smirk tilting up the corners of her mouth.

“What should I do if the Hunters do come in?” Her lips brushed against mine once again and despite everything, I laughed.

“Then you should run wolf,” I pulled her back to me, “run.” 

There you go! Short and sweet I know but I hope it does the story justice and wraps up any loose ends in the story. From now on I will be editing this story to oblivion, there's so much that clashes and contradicts so watch out for that :) As for a second book, I think if I am going to write one (I do have a few ideas), it won't be for a while. Please give me your feedback, what you think of the story etc. anything, even if you think it's bad, is always great. THANK YOU AND GOODBYE (for this story).

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