Chapter Seventeen (Edited)

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Merry Christmas! Finally, an upload! Sorry it's taken me so long, months I know. I'm trying to wrap this story up now and will probably do some major editing soon so watch out...

Chapter Seventeen

Time had flown by and before I could even blink through the daze that had settled over my mind, the choosing ceremony was that evening. Everyone was on edge because of it, even my wolf was itching to break free.

                Pain flared in my palm and I gazed down to see a small trickle of blood from under my fingernails. I’d been digging my nails in so hard it had drawn blood.

I hissed at the slight sting and raised my eyes in time to see Blaine cast a concerned glance towards me. I just shrugged it off; it had already healed by the time he’d made his way over.

                “Today’s the day.” I gave him a withering look.

                “Really? I hadn’t noticed.” My harsh tone caused him to back off a bit, I’d been the same all week- on edge. My insides were battling for dominance and my thoughts were a whirlwind. I walked away from Blaine, tracing the sound of voices all the way to the living room.

Nightmares had plagued my dreams the night before, images of a figure looming over me in a hospital that I didn't want to remember. The Hunter boy, the one who I'd spared, replaced the man's hidden features with a mocking sneer. My mind had raged for hours, dragging me in and out of consciousness and now I and my pack were suffering for it.

I ran my hands through my hair, tugging at the roots and through the pain I found a small measure of release, venting my frustration. I knew I was on edge, that much was evident, and to take it out on my pack was wrong. It was so hard. I knew now more than ever that I needed them and all I could do was push them away. For the past few days I had been the same, agitated and angry. The choosing ceremony was only throwing salt on the wounds and now it was all I could think about.

Of course it had been several years since the day my parents had died, yet the day was still a tough one- it would never be the same. This time though, still knowing very little of their death, I was at breaking point.

I'd let my father down. I'd let them all down.

I knew this wasn't just a hard time for me though, Dame was just the same.

The hall was the same as I remembered it, since that day a year ago, as if nothing had changed. As if my world hadn't come crashing down on me. Why I was here I knew all too well, a false sense of honour for the Elders. How could I have faith in people who did nothing to help when my parents died? Since the date last year they had written their deaths off as the Hunters’ faults and left it at that. They were all cowards.

I fisted the thin silk of my gown at the sight of them all, gathered, talking. Hesitant glances had been cast my way for the past hour or so, the arrogance in those gazes had my blood boiling. I had to be here though, for my pack.

"Welcome friends!" A voice boomed throughout the room, echoing off the shimmering walls and windows. All eyes turned on Nathan and my hackles rose. He was smirking as he surveyed the crowd, his eyes eventually locking with mine.

"Now before we begin the ceremony,” His eyes never wavered from mine, “I would like to give a moment of silence to remember those lost this time last year." The malice in those eyes was clear. A hush fell over the whole room but I knew Nathan was only asking this in order to look good.

Eyes continued to flicker over to me, now more than ever boring into my back.

Finally, the moment ended with his words as he swiftly moved on, "Now please allow me to present the Potentials."

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