Chapter Six (Edited)

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long. You can blame my editior ;) nah, don't blame her she's only doing her job x Hope you like it...

Chapter Six

Xavier's POV

 I’d never been forthcoming with my feelings for Dame. I’d watched her be introduced into the pack and had been the one to help guide her through the tough times after, but the feelings that had developed over that time, I had kept to myself. After a while, though, she’d begun to open up to me, much to my surprise. And now I’d gone and blown it. I’d kissed her.

                I sat at the table, being interrogated by Ari.

“Yeah, I thought... I thought she liked me.”

She snorted, a reaction I hadn’t expected. I turned my stare to her, taking her in as she shook her head. She was keeping something from me.


                “Believe me, she likes you.” It was my turn to snort.

                “Obviously not.” I let my head sink back onto the counter top.

                “Have you asked her why she ran off?” I banged my head against the wood, hearing it groan under the sudden force.

                “No...” She leapt out of her chair, causing my head to shoot up from the table. I couldn’t have her going to talk to Dame, she’d never forgive me.

                “So... what are you waiting for? Go!” I stared at her, perplexed, why would I go talk to her if it was obvious she didn’t feel the same way I did?                 

                “I don’t think that’s the best idea. Why would she want to talk to me after that?” I couldn’t bear to face the disgust in her eyes if I did.

                “Believe me when I tell you that, whatever her reasons were, she doesn’t hate you.” I wanted to believe her, wanted to think it was possible that Dame just had a lot going on at the moment. However, she hadn’t seen the way she’d looked when I’d kissed her, her eyes wide and scared, with tears on the brink of being shed. Then she’d run off.

                “You sure about that?” I looked at her, deep into those silvery blue eyes and saw hesitation. We all knew Dame had problems, serious problems.

She paused before answering, “Yes.”

I sighed once more before struggling to my feet. If Ari had faith in me then, maybe it was worth a shot.

“Go get ‘em tiger.” I grunted in response. I walked out of the kitchen, and around to the stairs. They seemed to stretch on forever, and a sense of doom stretched over me. I was scared. I started to ascend the stairs, hearing my footsteps boom as time slowed down. My mind drifted back to last night.

I sat on Dame’s bed, as she stared out of the window. Only the moon shone in through, setting alight her white blonde hair. She was beautiful.

                “Why did they do this to me?” She sighed, so softly, but it boomed in the silence.

I knew she was talking more to herself, more than me. It was a question she often asked herself, and each time I was left, unable to answer.

                “I don’t know,” answering anyway. She turned to me, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. They were so sad, and I knew she didn’t want this, didn’t want to be a wolf. I cursed the Elders every day for turning her; I could see it was killing her.

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