Chapter Eighteen (Edited)

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It's been ages I know, I'm so sorry. To make up for it here is the penultimate chapter to my story! It's a long one so I hope you enjoy it, be warned though there are some gory details...

Chapter Eighteen

I tried to act calm, but my eyes were darting around, as fast as my beating heart. I only just managed to tame my trembling fingers as the heat, barely contained under the surface, coiled around my arms.

                “Aria,” I turned to find Blaine, stood with a similar expression of nervousness, “are you okay?” I gave him a stiff nod, now was not the time to have a breakdown. It had been long enough since my parents’ death and yet I wasn’t over it.

                Before I knew it I was being spun into a dance, and my eyes widened as I turned to find none other than Garrett before me. My grip on his hand tightened till it was a painful vice, his eyes squinting slightly.

                “Easy on the grip there…” I only loosened it slightly; he was doing nothing for my mood. An immeasurable stretch of silence passed between us and I was becoming impatient, “So, listen, I know we don’t have the best of relationships-”

My resulting laugh was mocking, “That’s an understatement…” We continued to spin, waltzing between couples from other packs.

“I know, I know. But I want to change that, especially with everything that’s happened.” At his words, I knew I shouldn’t have, but my gaze darted towards Ray. I immediately wished I hadn’t. Her gaze was following our every movement across the floor; her eyes filled with anger and above all else, sadness. Then, as if she felt my gaze, her eyes met mine and the raw emotion I saw in them send my heart plummeting towards the ground. She knew what I and Garrett thought of each other and yet she was thinking the worst.

I looked back towards Garrett whose gaze was trained on mine.

“You know what she means to me,” he drew in a deep breath, “I need to know that you accept this. First and foremost you’re her friend and I know she’ll do anything you say, even if it means going against what she wants, what is natural.” His words left me speechless. “She’s my mate Aria.”

“I know.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn’t have said them, I’d promised her I wouldn’t tell him. His eyes widened at this, and I watched as his gaze drifted behind me, no doubt to Ray. We continued to dance but our rhythm faltered.

“She felt it too…” His words were more to himself than I.

“You’re right. We have never had the best of relationships, but I am willing to put that aside, for her.” I saw surprise lift his features. I didn’t think I’d ever actually seen Garrett smile, but at that moment I could see a ghost of a smirk curve his lips. “But if you hurt her, you’ll have me to answer to,” I gripped his hand once again, to get across my point, “I will make you regret the day you were born.”

He widened his eyes slightly and his brow furrowed in pain.

I slowly relaxed my grip and stepped away from Garrett. I gave him a single nod and with that he was turning and moving towards Ray. It was all I could do to stand and watch as he led her out of the hall.

I caught Nathan’s eyes as he made his way onto the balcony. His expression was smug, and he had a glint in his eyes, a malice that could not be matched.

He swept down the staircase, knowing he’d captured everyone’s attention. It seemed as if everyone held their breath because the only sound that filled the room was his footsteps on the marble staircase.

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