Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Justin's Point of View
"Yes! I win!" Ryan exclaimed, jumping up from the couch. Ryan's my best friend. We were playing xbox at my house and he won. He pointed his finger in my face. "You suck!"
"Shut up, no I don't. I always win."
"Not this time," he said, loud and obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes. He had gotten really into the game. I usually do, too.
"Whatever," I said, putting my controller down. I took out my phone and checked if I had any new messages. I was hoping I had one from Natalie, but I didn't. I sighed and slid my phone back into my pocket.
"You okay bro?" Ryan asked. I looked up at him.
"Yeah," I lied.
"No you're not," he said. He sat down next to me on the couch.
"How can you tell?" I asked.
"Well one, you're my bro," he said, "and two, you didn't beat me. So, something must be wrong."
That made me a laugh. A little. "Me and Selena broke up," I said. Ryan widened his eyes.
"Oh damn. I'm sorry man. It'll be alright. She was a bitch anyway. You'll find someone better."
"I already have. And bro, she's her little sister," I said, looking down at my supras.
"Selena has a little sister?" Ryan asked. I nodded.
"Her name's Natalie," I said. Ryan smirked.
"She hot?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, letting out a small laugh. Typical of him to ask.
"Yeah," I answered. "She's beautiful."
"Describe her," Ryan said.
"She's beautiful..." I repeated, smiling at the thought of her. "She's really fucking beautiful."
"No I mean like, what does she look like?" Ryan asked.
"She's got brown hair, brown eyes. Her hair's really soft and long. And her eyes... You fall in love with her if you stare into them long enough," I told him. I was staring at the wall across from us, with my hands under my chin holding up my head and my elbows perched on my knees. I looked over at Ryan when I noticed he didn't say anything. He was giving me this weird look. "What?" I asked. He just started laughing.
"I've never heard you talk about a girl like that," he answered. "Not even Selena."
"Yeah well, Natalie's not just any girl," I said, sighing. I sat up and stopped slouching.
"Don't fall in love bro," Ryan warned. I looked at him.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Cause' wouldn't that be weird? Dating your ex girlfriend's little sis?"
"I already am dating her," I mumbled.
"What the fuck," Ryan said laughing.
"I mean I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend or anything, but she's my girl. It kinda just happened. I didn't even mean to fall in love with her. It just happened. And Selena found us making out and it started a huge fight between them. And now I'm not allowed to see her," I explained.
"What do you mean you're not allowed to see her?" he asked.
"Their mom found out about it. And now I'm not allowed to see Natalie anymore. Cause' like, I got between them and since they're sisters and all, I guess it's kind of fucked up."
"It is, but you can't help who you fall in love with," Ryan said, shrugging.
"Yeah, but even if I hadn't gotten between her and Selena, their mom still wouldn't let me date her. Natalie's sixteen but she's not allowed to date," I explained.
"That's stupid," Ryan said.
"Extremely," I agreed.
"Hey, how about we go to the gym?" Ryan suggested. "You know, the one they got in the mall."
"Alright. That's kind of random though," I said, laughing a little. "How about we go to the gym?" I said in a stupid voice, mocking him.
"Dude don't be an ass! I'm just trying to help you out. Let's go to the gym and work out. We can lift weights and shit, and you could get your mind off her," Ryan said.
"We can go to the gym," I said, "but it's not gonna get my mind off her."
At the gym, I went beast mode. I lifted weights I've never even attempted to lift before. I guess I was trying to be a man and everything. Lately I haven't felt like one. And I guess it's because of everything that's been going on. The fact that I'm not allowed to be with the girl I love makes me feel like I'm a little kid or something. Not being able to get what you want, and being stubborn about it, makes you feel like a kid. One of the weights I tried lifting was really tough to lift and I couldn't lift it all the way. I ended up dropping it. Thankfully it didn't land on my feet. Ryan snickered at me, and instead of getting mad or annoyed, I just laughed it off.
"Leave those kinds of weights to real men like me," I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see a familiar face, except I couldn't remember exactly who the guy was. Then it hit me.
"What the fuck are you doing here Austin?" I asked. I hated his guts. He broke up with Natalie through a text and made her cry... He made the girl I love cry. That was enough for me to hate him.
"Same reason you're here, idiot. It's a gym," he answered. He pushed my chest and I fell backwards a little. I regained my balance and pushed him back, but he didn't fall back like I did. Ryan got up from where he was sitting.
"Who the fuck is this?" Ryan said.
"He's nobody," I replied.
"Nobody? Dude, I've been with both your girls," Austin said obnoxiously. "And trust me, Natalie and me are going to get back together."
"In your dreams," I said, shoving him. This time when I pushed him, he fell back onto one of the exercising machines. When he got up, I guess he realized I was much stronger then him because he didn't hit me. Instead he just stood against me, the way boxers do before they fight. I wanted to spit in his face.
"You're such a fag, Bieber," he said. "Natalie needs a real man."
"Fuck you," I said, pushing him away from me. I would of spit on him, but instead I raised my fist to punch him.
"Bro look behind you. C'mon. It's not worth it. Let's just get out of here," Ryan advised. He was looking over my shoulder.
"What? Why?" I said, turning around. I saw some paparazzi coming. Ryan's right. I don't want them to photograph me and this dick fighting. That's unnecessary drama. This guy's not worth my time. I picked up my shirt and put it on, then me and Ryan left. As we did, I heard Austin calling me names like fag and faggot, but I just ignored it. Natalie would never leave me for him. I've got nothing to worry about.

Natalie's Point of View
My mom still hasn't given me back my phone, but slowly she's starting to give me back some freedom. I asked her if I could go to the mall with my friends and she said yes. I was really excited to finally get to go out. Being cooped up in my room all day was depressing. I would of told Justin to meet me there but I had no way of telling him. Once I was with my friends, I filled them in on everything that's been going on.
"Aww Natalie you and Justin are so cute!" Marissa squealed. I smiled a little but looked down at my feet.
"Yeah but we have no way of being together," I said. "It's really complicated."
"That really sucks," Nicole said. "I wish you would have met him before Selena."
"Yeah, then they would have dated and Selena wouldn't have had anything to do with it," Alyson added. I just nodded.
"Guys let's not even talk about it. I wanted to tell you what's been going on because I tell you guys everything, but I really don't wanna talk about it. It's honestly depressing," I said.
"Hey Natalie! Wait up!" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. My friends and I turned around only to see ...


Comment who you think it is.

A.) Selena
B.) Mom
C.) Justin
E.)Her friends

Vote 5+

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