Chapter 31

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Natalie's Point of View

I stood quiet as my mom drove us home. As soon as she pulled up in our driveway, I opened the car door and slammed it shut behind me. I heard my mom call my name, probably wanting to yell at me for slamming it, but I didn't care. I was too angry to answer her. I went to the front door of our house and let myself in. I stomped up the stairs and went straight to Selena's room. I stood at the door frame and glared at her. She was laying on her bed looking at her phone. I took a deep breath.

"Selena, we have to talk," I said calmly. She ignored me and continued to look at her phone. I walked over to her impatiently. "We have to talk!" I yelled, snatching her phone out of her hands. Selena looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

"I don't want to," she said simply. She eyed her phone in my hands and unexpectedly snatched it back. I watched as she sat up on her bed and gave it all of her attention. Her thumbs moved swiftly across the screen of her iPhone.

"You were mad at me for dating Justin behind your back..." I said slowly. Almost as if I had cursed at her, her thumbs came to an immediate stop and she shot her glance at me. Judging by the look on her face, I could tell she was surprised I was bringing this up.

"I don't wanna fucking talk about that," she said, looking at me with cold eyes.

"Oh that's fine! That's not what I wanna talk about! I wanna talk about YOU dating Austin behind MY back!" I yelled. Selena's eyes widened.

"Who told you?" she asked.

"He did. He told me everything," I said. Selena looked uncomfortable as she bit her lip.

"What exactly did he tell you?" she asked.

"Everything!" I yelled. "Including how you used Justin! How could you do that to him? He loved you!"

"Apparently not if he cheated on me with you..." Selena mumbled. My mom came up behind me, looking over my shoulder at Selena and then looking at me.

"What's going on in here?" she asked.

"I don't even know where to start!" I yelled.

"Natalie, calm down," my mom said.

"No! She dated Austin while I was dating him, and so that means that she was also cheating on Justin with Austin. And not only that but she didn't even love Justin! She was just using him for publicity... She was using him to make her more famous," I informed my mom, exposing my sister. My mom looked at Selena with widened eyes.

"Is that true?" my mom asked.

"No! Well, yes! But, it's complicated! I was using Justin to begin with but then I... I actually fell in love with him! I love him now, I really do. But he doesn't love me anymore because he loves her!" my sister yelled, pointing at me.

"You used him! Do you realize how hurt he'll be if he finds out! It'll break his heart!" I yelled back. A tear rolled down my sister's cheek.

"No it won't! He won't care because he has you..." my sister said, then she started crying really hard and covered her face with her hands. My mom went over to her and sat next to her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Natalie, give me and your sister some privacy please," my mom said softly. I nodded and went to my room. I laid down on my bed and sooner or later I heard a knock on my door. I sat up on my bed and watched my mom come in. She sat down next to me and sighed.

"Your sister was wrong to use Justin to get to where she is, but you have to understand that you were wrong too. You should not have been sneaking around with him. And also, I specifically told you that you weren't allowed to date Austin and yet you had been."

"But mom..." I said. "I understand I went behind your back and disobeyed you, but I'm sixteen and I feel mature enough to date. I know it was wrong to sneak around with Justin but I never intended to. It just sort of...happened."

"What do you mean 'it just sort of happened'?" my mom questioned. I sighed.

"I didn't mean to fall for him and when I noticed I was starting to, I tried talking myself out of it but eventually I couldn't deny it anymore... so I just gave in to my feelings and... I knew it was wrong to be with him but I don't know. It felt right. And I know I'm only sixteen but I love him and-"

"But Natalie, I hope you realize you're not allowed to see him anymore," my mom interrupted.

"W-what?" I asked, taken back. The thought of STILL not being allowed to see Justin made me feel distraught.

"Justin got between you and your sister and if you had to choose between them, it's your sister you would choose, right?" my mom asked. I didn't answer her and instead looked down at my hands on my lap, thinking to myself. As I did I noticed the necklace dangling from my neck... The necklace Justin had given me. "Natalie," my mom spoke softly, trying to get my attention. I looked at her lost for words. "You would choose your sister," she said, in more of a statement then a question. Finally I was able to speak up, glancing down at the necklace once more.

"No," I said simply. I looked at my mom and studied the surprised expression on her face. I know that's not the answer she was looking for but I didn't care. "No," I repeated a little louder, shrugging.

"What do you mean 'no'? He's just a boy. Selena's your sister," my mom stated as if she were right. But of course I disagreed with her. Justin's not "just a boy." He means so much to me and I'd choose him over my sister any day. I'm in love with him. And besides, I don't even think of Selena as truly my sister anymore. She had known about me and Austin and still chose to date him. She didn't care about how I felt; it was only about her and how she felt. She betrayed me. And I know I did the same to her but I constantly felt bad about it... I even tried to push Justin away in the beginning, lying to him and telling him I didn't have any feelings for him...

"Natalie Ann Gomez, I am your mother and you do what I say," my mom said abruptly, interrupting me from my thoughts. "There's no 'ifs' or 'buts' about it. I expected you to be mature about this and to choose your sister over Justin but since you didn't, I'm choosing for you. You aren't allowed to see Justin anymore. Period."

The words teared through my heart as she spoke them. I watched through blurry, watery eyes as my mom got up from my bed and left my room quietly. I felt the tears start running down my face, one after the other. I looked down at the necklace Justin had given me and thought about how he climbed a tree and came through my window just to see me. And then I smiled remembering what he had said.

"Nothing's ever gonna stop me from seeing you."

This gave me hope.


I hope you guys liked the chapter❤❣

Natalie and Selena and Mom.

Mom is being a bitch.

Selena has no life by being a cry baby.

Mom treats Natalie like shit.


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