Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Justin's Point of View

They want me and Natalie to kiss? Wow, I don't know. I'm dating her sister. I think that'd be like, cheating or something. I looked at Natalie sitting next to me... I know it's not right, but I wanna kiss her. I really wanna. Her lips were so glossy and were practically calling me.
"Come on guys," Nicole said, looking at me and then at Natalie. "It's just a dare."
I thought about it some more and realized that after all, it was just a dare. And I never back down on dares.
"She's right," I said, scooting closer to Natalie. "It's just a dare. No biggie."
Natalie smiled. "But, um, I... I don't know," she stammered.
"It's just a dare!" one of the girls yelled out. I think it was Steph.
"Come on, it's no big deal, " I said, trying to convince her.
"Alright," she said. I was surprised she gave in so easily. I smiled and closed my eyes, leaning in towards her. In a matter of seconds, I felt my lips brushing up against hers. I could taste whatever lipgloss she had on as we kissed. It was supposed to be just one kiss, nothing more than a peck, but she kissed me back... I should of pulled away, but instead I went along with it, because the kiss felt so good. I'd never felt so right about kissing a girl before... And as we were kissing, it felt like it was just me and her. I completely forgot that her friends were there watching us. I forgot all about them. I even forgot about Selena... All I knew was that I was kissing Natalie, and I was feeling incredible about it.

Natalie's Point of View

This is nothing like kissing Austin. This is better. So much more better... And when Justin first kissed me, I was going to pull away, but I couldn't help but kiss him back. His lips on mine felt like magic. I don't know Justin that well, I just know a few things about him, but this kiss was passionate. It felt like we'd known each other for years, and finally kissed... My hands hesitantly moved along his jawline. They slowly crept to the back of his head. I grabbed at his hair, as we got more into the kiss... Then I realized what was happening. This wasn't "just a dare" anymore. It had become something more... I reluctantly pulled away from his lips. I sat back, and studied his expression. It looked like he had wanted more. I did too, but it wouldn't of been right if we kept going with that kiss. I looked around at my friends. The four of them were wide eyed.
"I dared you guys to kiss, not make out!" Nicole shouted, smirking at us. Justin chuckled.
"Yeah, I don't know what happened there," he said, wiping my lipgloss off his lips.

Selena's Point of View

I smiled as Austin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. " want me to break up with Natalie?" he asked. I knew it wasn't right to sort of, steal Austin from her, but I don't care. I nodded, smiling. He's too old for her anyway. "But, what about you and Bieber? Aren't you guys dating?"
"Well... yeah. But it's not real. None of it's real," I said.
"Woah, really? I thought you and him were actually dating. You guys aren't really dating?"
"Well, he thinks we are. He thinks I actually like him and stuff. But I don't. I'm just kind of, using him..." I said. I looked down and bit my lip. For the first time, I actually felt guilty about using Justin. I mean, I knew from the start it wasn't right leading the kid on, and making him believe I actually have feelings for him... but he does so much for me, and I knew I could use him and get a lot out of it. I mean, he's so easy to take advantage of, and I just couldn't help myself. It's so much more convenient going shopping, when you're not the one swiping the credit card. And dating him was so rewarding. He opened so many doors for me. Because of him, I was able to do things I never knew I was capable of... Like for instance, my acting career has really benefited from dating the kid. I got the chance to be in already 5 different movies this year. I even played the lead role in some of them! Last year though, when I wasn't dating Justin, I did zero movies... And don't get me wrong, it's not like I didn't try out for any movies last year. I did... I just didn't get the part. No one wanted a stupid little Disney kid for their movie. All I was able to do last year was play Alex on Wizards of Waverly Place. But then this year, once I started dating Justin, I ditched Disney and made my big break. I became international. Everyone knows who Selena Gomez is now... And all thanks to him.
"So you and Bieber... all of it's just for show?" Austin asked, interrupting me from my thoughts. I shrugged my shoulders, and nodded.
"Pretty much," I said. "I mean, he's a nice kid... he's just, not for me. I only was interested in him because of all the opportunites that came along with dating him. But I guess I could break up with him. I got what I wanted already."

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