Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Justin's Point of View
I was sitting on Selena's bed in her room, watching her try on all the stuff I got her today.

"How do I look?" Selena asked. I smiled and told her she looked gorgeous. And I wasn't lying. She did. "You really think so?" she asked. I nodded to reassure her. She smiled and walked over to the shopping bags and pulled out something else to try on. Then she took it with her in the bathroom in her room... a few seconds later she came out wearing a yellow dress.

Selena's Point of View

"Beautiful," Justin said. I twirled around in the dress. When me and Justin go shopping, he always gets me what I want. And I don't even have to ask. Whenever I say I want something he gets it for me. No matter how expensive it is. That's what I love about being his girlfriend. Then again, that's the only thing I love about being his girlfriend... As I went over to the shopping bags to find something else to try on, I heard the front door open.

"Your sister's back already? That was fast," Justin said.

"No silly," I said. "It's probably my mom."

I went downstairs. Justin followed after me. When we both made it downstairs, there she was. Just as I suspected. She had grocery bags in her hands. They looked heavy.

"Could you help me with these?" she asked me. Then she noticed Justin and smiled. "Oh hi Justin, how are you?"

He smiled. "Good and you?"

She started talking to Justin. I decided to help her with the bags, like she asked me to. As I took some bags from her, she checked out the dress I was wearing. "That's a nice dress Selena." I smiled. "Isn't it? Justin got it for me," I said, smiling at him.

Justin's Point of View

Selena twirled around in the yellow dress she was wearing, smiling at me. You know, now that I think about it, she didn't really ask for that dress. She didn't ask for any of the stuff I got her. She just said she wanted it, and expected me to get it for her. And I did. I got her everything she wanted. Because...she doesn't have to ask. Whatever makes her happy, makes me happy. I like seeing her happy. And besides, all that stuff I got her looks great on her.

I helped Selena and her mom with the groceries then sat down on the couch in the living room. I heard Selena talking to her mom in the kitchen.

"Selena, could you put that bag of chips in the cabinet for me?"


"Where's Natalie?" her mom asked.

"She's out with Austin again."

For a second, I thought I heard her wrong. But I didn't. And I was really confused. Didn't she promise Natalie she wouldn't say anything? I heard her mom sigh.

"And you just let her go?" her mom asked.

"Mom I tried. When she said she was going, I told her not to, but she wouldn't listen."

I laid back on the couch, even more confused than I already was. I never heard Selena tell Natalie not to go... All she did was complain that he was too old for her. Why is Selena lying?

Natalie's Point of View

I smiled at Austin. We were sitting on a bench at the park down the street from my house. It was a cool, summer night. He sat close to me. "You're so beautiful," Austin said. He leaned over to kiss me...but then my phone rang! Austin stopped midway towards me.

"Sorry," I said. I looked at my phone and sighed. "It's my mom."

"It always is," Austin said, leaning back against the bench. It was obvious he was annoyed. And I don't blame him. My mom always interrupts us. I bit my lip as I put the phone to my ear.



I sighed. "Yeah mom?"

"I thought I told you, you weren't allowed to date boys yet," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"You did."

"And yet you're out with Austin," she said. How does she keep finding out? Every time I hang out with Austin, she finds out somehow. I sighed.

"Mom, I'm sixteen."

"And that's too young," she said. "You have five minutes to get home. If you're not home in five minutes, I'll go out and get you myself. Where are you?"

"Mom, this isn't fair! Selena started dating when she was fifteen!" I complained. Austin grabbed my hand and forced me to get up from the bench we were sitting at. I took the phone away from my ear and looked at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Taking you home."

I looked at my phone. I pressed the end call button and hung up on my mom, upset.

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