Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Justin's Point of View

After playing truth or dare, we all ended up back on the couch. We flipped through channels and eventually found a scary movie we could watch. Halfway through the movie though, I was bored. I didn't think it was that scary. Actually, it kinda sucked... Natalie's friends were scared though. They kept screaming and squirming around. And honestly, I had more fun watching them then the movie... I looked over at Natalie. She hasn't screamed once, but she was definitely scared. She was by herself in the corner of the couch, with her hands slightly covering her eyes. I smirked.
"You're seriously that scared?" I whispered. She looked at me and nodded, taking her hands away from her face.
"Yeah... You don't think it's that scary?" she asked. I shook my head.
"Nah. This is lame..." I whispered. She shrugged her shoulders, and looked back at the tv. I scooted closer to her on the couch. "Hey, but you know what's not?"
"No, what?" she asked, turning her head and looking at me.
"If me and you turn off the lights and scare the shit outta them," I whispered, referring to her four friends on the couch across from us. Natalie smiled really big and nodded.
"Oh my gosh, yeah, let's do it!"
"Okay, turn off the lights," I said. "I would do it myself but, the light switch is closer to you then it is to me."
"Alright... Are they looking?" she asked. She had her hand on the light switch.
"Nope. They're too busy watching the movie."
As soon as I said that, the lights went out. The light from the tv was bright though so I quickly grabbed the remote control and shut the tv off. The girls started getting worried, saying things like, "This isn't funny, turn the lights back on"... but unfortunately for them, me and Natalie were just getting started! I took Natalie's hand, and slowly went up the stairs with her. We carefully walked down the hallway to her room. Once we made it inside her room, we sat on the floor and tried to think of a plan. We quickly thought of one, and then Natalie kept going on and on about how funny it's gonna be to scare them. Eventually, I stopped listening to what she was saying, and started thinking about earlier, when we were playing truth or dare. I thought about the kiss... I wanted to see what she thought of it.
"Um, Natalie?" I said, interrupting her.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"That kiss... the way we kissed earlier... what was that all about?" I asked her.
"I don't know, honestly. I didn't mean to kiss you back, I'm sorry," she apologized.
"No, no, it's cool..." I said. "I'm glad you did," I quickly murmured.
"What?" she asked. I felt like such an idiot. Why'd I say that out loud?
"Nothing. Um, we better not keep them waiting... And we know what the plan is, so come on, let's go," I said anxiously.
"Wait but, what'd you say? I didn't hear that last thing you said..."
"Good!" I said, chuckling a little.
"Good?" she asked. She was obviously confused. But that's a good thing.
"Yeah, don't worry about it," I told her.
"Alright then. Come on," she said. She grabbed my hand, leading me out of her room and down the stairs. Man, I don't know what made me say that out loud... well, at least she didn't hear it. As we went down the stairs, I tried not to laugh as I heard her friends still complaining about the lights being off. If that alone scares them, they're in for a big surprise, because Natalie and I came up with a great plan... First, we're gonna open and close the front door, so that they think someone got in the house. Then out of nowhere, we're gonna creep up on them and grab their feet, and try to pull all four of them off the couch. If everything goes as expected, this is gonna be hilarious! Me and Natalie slowly made our way to the front door.
"Ready?" I whispered. I quietly placed my hand on the doorknob.
"Yeah, go for it," Natalie whispered back. I turned the doorknob, then slowly opened the door, so that it made a good enough noise for the girls to hear and realize that someone had opened the front door. After I heard one of them yell "Did the front door just open?!" my hand went full force, slamming the door shut. I was pretty sure I heard all four of them scream. I snickered a little, trying my best not to laugh as Natalie lead me to the couch. Once she stopped walking and let go of my hand, I knew that meant we were standing in front of the couch and her friends. It was hard to tell though since it was completely dark and I couldn't see anything... Suddenly, I felt Natalie whisper in my ear, "On the count of three...1...2..."
"3!" I whispered. And as soon as I did, me and Natalie dropped down to the floor, and we each pulled two of her friends right off the couch.
"We're gonna die! We're gonna fucking die!" one of them screamed. I felt Natalie run past me, laughing hysterically. She turned on the lights, revealing all four of her friends on the floor in front of the couch. The both of us were cracking up.
"That wasn't funny! You guys scared the shit outta me!" Marissa yelled.
"That was kinda the point..." I said, laughing. I looked at Natalie. She wasn't laughing anymore and was digging in her pocket for something.
"Hey guys, gimme a minute," Natalie said, pulling her phone out.
"Why? What happened?" Steph asked.
"I got a text," Natalie answered, as she sat down on the couch and looked at her phone. I watched her face slowly turn serious as she looked down at her phone in her hands. When she finally looked up at me and her friends, she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"I have to use the bathroom," she said, quickly getting up from the couch and running up the stairs. I chased after her. I could tell something was wrong...
"Hey, wait up!" I called. I followed her all the way to her room. She was about to go inside her bathroom, but I grabbed her arm before she could. "Look at me, Natalie. Tell me what's wrong..." I pleaded. I was really worried about her. She looked back at me, and sighed.
"Justin, I... I really wanna be alone right now..." she said.
"You sure?" I asked. She stared back at me and bit her lip, not saying anything... then her eyes started swelling up in tears. I pulled her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her.
"You're right," she said. "I need someone... I need you. Don't go."
"I'm here, I'm here..." I said, slowly moving my hand up and down her back, trying to comfort her. "What happened? What's wrong? What did that text say?" I asked. Natalie didn't say answer any of those questions though. She just stood quiet, crying silently into my chest. Then finally she pulled away from me and put her phone up to my face for me to see. It was a text message from Austin...
"He...he broke up with me," Natalie said. I took her phone from her and read the text message over and over again, in disbelief. I couldn't believe what an ass that guy was, for breaking up with her through a text message. I put her phone on the nightstand she had next to her bed. Then I looked at her and wiped her tears away with my thumb. I sighed. She looked so upset. Tears fell from her eyes, one after the other. I felt so bad for her. What an asshole... Who the hell breaks up with his girlfriend through a text message? I grabbed Natalie by her shoulders and looked straight into her eyes.
"Natalie, don't cry... you're so beautiful, and you deserve so much better then him. That guy's an ass. Forget him, okay?"
She nodded, and gave me a hug. "Thanks Justin," she said quietly, in my arms. She pulled away from our embrace and smiled at me.
"No probelm," I said. "And listen, I don't see why any guy would ever wanna break up with you in the first place, but you know, whatever... it's his loss, not yours."
She smiled even bigger than she had been. "If you say so," she said, giggling. I smiled and pulled her into my arms, hugging her. Natalie's such a great girl. I wonder why that loser broke up with her...

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