Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Natalie's Point of View

"Bye Selly," I said, as Selena walked out the door. She turned her head and smiled at me, then proceeded down the steps of our porch. She told me that she was gonna be spending the whole day with her best friend Ashley, but when I peered over at the car waiting for her across the street, I saw what looked like a guy in the driver's seat... The windows were slightly tinted though, so I couldn't tell whether it really was a guy and not Ashley. "Have fun..." I shouted.

After Selena left, I plopped down on the couch. I have the whole house to myself. Supposedly, Selly's out with Ashley. Whether or not she really is, she wasn't going to be home until later... And the same goes for my mom. She's running errands and knowing her, she won't be home until later tonight.

I was just finishing up painting my nails, when I heard my cell phone upstairs making noises. I ran upstairs and into my room to check my phone. One missed call. Marissa. I carefully dialed her number, without messing up the fresh coat of nail polish on my nails, then sat on my bed, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Marissa! Sorry I missed your call. I didn't get to my phone fast enough," I said.

"It's okay. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out...? Me and everyone else aren't busy. How about a sleepover?" she asked.

"Yeah! We haven't had one in a while," I said.

"I know, that's what I'm saying!"

I laughed. "Wanna have it at my house this time?" I asked.

"Would it be okay with your mom?"

"Yeah, it's cool," I said, knowing my mom wouldn't mind me having a sleepover.

"Alright I'll let the girls know."

"Okay see you guys in like, what, a half an hour?" I asked.

"Okay cool," she said.

"Yeah. Only because I need some time to get ready," I said, looking down at myself. I was still in my pajamas.

"Same here, don't feel bad. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet," she admitted. I laughed.

"Ew Marissa, that's gross," I said, laughing. "Make sure you do!"

She laughed. "Of course I will! And well, it's true."

"Oh Marissa," I said. She kept laughing. "See you later."

"You too," she said, not quite finished laughing. I smiled as I hung up. I only have a half an hour so I quickly ran into my bathroom. Before I got in the shower, I examined my nails. They were dry. Perfect. I jumped in the shower and got to it.

A half an hour flew by, but thankfully, I was pretty much ready. When I heard the doorbell, I was just finishing up putting on a little makeup. I don't usually wear too much. Gotta keep it natural! ... Before I went to answer the door, I looked at myself in the full body mirror I had in the corner of my room. My outfit was simply a hoodie and some jeans, and my long hair fell past my shoulders nicely. After I approved of the way I looked, I ran down the stairs and answered the door. Marissa, Nicole, Steph, and Alyson all squealed as they practically knocked me over in a hug. Our famous group hug. I laughed. Clearly they were as excited as I was. I smiled as we all stood in our ball, hugging each other. I love these girls! So many people pretend to be my friend because Selly's my big sister, and I never really know who I could trust, but they're all exceptions. I've been best friends with Marissa, Nicole, Steph, and Alyson ever since I was a little girl.

"So whatcha' guys wanna do?" Steph asked, after the giant hug was over. One by one they walked in and dropped their sleeping bags and stuff in the living room.

"Let's wait till Marissa falls asleep then we'll draw all over her face like last time," Alyson suggested. Marissa laughed and pushed Alyson onto the living room couch.

"That wasn't funny Alyson! It took me hours to get that mustache and all the other crap you guys drew off my face!" she said, laughing.

"But we helped you take it off," Nicole said. "So you can't say shit!"

Alyson got up from the couch and laughed. "Yeah Marissa!"

"But you guys took a picture and now it's all over Facebook!" Marissa yelled.

After laughing about our work of art on Marissa's face, we all sat down on the couch and thought about what to do. We ended up having a pillow fight because of Nicole. But that eventually got boring so we went outside and walked around the neighborhood. I told them about Justin and how I finally got to meet him yesterday. They accused me of having a crush on him. Marissa said she knows me too well and could tell from the way I talked about him. Steph agreed. I finally just admitted I did.

"I knew it!" Marissa exclaimed.

"I know right? It was so obvious!" Steph added.

I blushed. "Well, you guys know I'm a total sucker for brown eyes," I gushed. They all nodded.

"Wait but isn't Selena dating him?" Alyson asked.

"Yeah, what about Jelena?" Nicole asked, after Alyson.

"Guys it's just a little crush... it's not like I'm gonna try to steal him from her," I said. Then I rolled my eyes at how Nicole referred to them as "Jelena" ... I guess I was jealous. Or maybe I just thought it was stupid? Probably a little bit of both.

Before we knew it, the sun was setting. We decided to head back to my house... Once we got to my house I turned the tv on for them, gave Nicole the remote, then went into the kitchen and got out the ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whip cream. As I was making ice cream sundaes for everyone, the doorbell rang. Selly's home already? I went over to the door with a chocolate syrup covered spoon in my mouth. When I answered the door and saw it was Justin, and not Selena like I had originally thought, my stomach felt like butterflies were flying around in it. I felt all sorts of excited, surprised feelings. What was he doing here?

"Hey Natalie..." he said. "Um. What's that in your mouth?"

I blushed, forgetting I still had the spoon in my mouth. "Chocolate syrup on a spoon," I replied, after taking it out of my mouth. He laughed.

"Where's Selena?" he asked.

"She's out with Ashley," I told him.

"Ashley?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Ashley," I said. He didn't look like he knew who I was talking about so I explained that Ashley was Selly's best friend.

"Oh..." he said, "okay."

"Yeah. Sorry," I said. "Why? Were you and her supposed to go out tonight?"

He sighed. "Yeah."

I felt bad, seeing how disappointed he looked. I turned around and looked at my friends. They were sitting on the couch, watching Jersey Shore, and yelling at the tv something about Pauly D. I turned back to Justin.

"Um Justin?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Well, my friends are over. And I'm making ice cream sundaes. If you want, you could chill with us. I'm sure they won't mind," I said, looking back at them and then at him. A grin slowly spread across his face. I smiled and opened the door wider.

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