"You missed school." Derek stated as he woke up from his sleep, I spent all day watching over him. I thought removing the bullet would be enough to help him heal on his own, but I was wrong. The infection continued to slowly spread from the bullet wound, and with every passing second my dread continued to grow.

"I wasn't going to leave you here alone." I replied in disbelief that school would be the first thing on his mind. It was definitely the last thing on mine. 

"Still, you shouldn't be missing school." He continued to argue, causing me to chuckle in disbelief.

"What's important right now is finding a way to help you." I reminded, as I handed him a glass of water. Even if I had gone to school I wouldn't have been able to do anything but worry. And if I would have been able to not worry the own numbing pain that I felt wouldn't have let me get through the day.

My pain that seemed to be connected with my brothers was like numb feeling. It was like a ghost, a pain that I was there one moment and disappeared the next. 

"We need Scott's help." Derek declared the next morning as he sat at the edge of the bed. He was already incredibly pale and was showing no signs of healing. I could feel him getting weaker and I was starting to get consumed by fear. I couldn't lose my brother, without him I would have nothing.

"What could he possibly do to help?" I snapped irritated that he would even think of Scott. All Scott would be able to do was complain and I knew how Scott felt about Derek. He hated my brother because he blamed the bite on him. He wouldn't help us. 

"I got shot by an Argent and he is the only person who is involved with one." He reasoned and I sighed realizing that he was right. I nodded and helped him up from the couch. We both had to be incredibly desperate if we had to go to Scott McCall for help. 

Derek took the keys from me and headed towards the driver side of the car but I quickly snatched them back. "No way. You are in no condition to drive."

"I'm not going to let you drive my car." Derek countered as he held on to his arm trying to mask the pain he was in.   

"Derek don't be an idiot. You can barely stand."

"I'll manage." My brother replied stubbornly.

"Get in the passenger seat." I ordered. He tried to stare me down and when he realized I wasn't going to back down he made his way to the opposite side of the car and got in. Normally I would have been satisfied that I got Derek to do what I wanted, but considering the situation we were in it wasn't an emotion that was accessible to me at the moment.

It wasn't until I started to drive down the road that I felt a fresh wave of nausea  and pain wash over me. But I quickly ignored the feeling not wanting Derek to worry or even realize that his pain was also effecting me. 

I raced over to the high school, at this point the only thing I was worried about was Scott refusing to help, especially with us threatening him and his annoying sidekick all the time. "Okay I'll go find him you stay in here." I ordered as I parked the car in front of the school and quickly scrambled out of it. I was about to open the door to the history class I knew Scott and Stiles were in when I heard the sound of someone being pushed into a locker. I groaned and ran down the hall to find Jackson thrown against the lockers by my brother.

Derek began to stumble his way towards me as I ran up to him and slung his arm around my shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed in a hushed tone, only to find that he wasn't even paying attention to me because he was listening in on someone. Curious I began to listen in though the crowds when I heard Allison and Lydia in a nearby hallway.

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