Seokjin quirks an eyebrow and playfully asks, "You've been in her bedroom?"

"Not like that!" Jungkook exclaims, hiding his face in Seokjin's shoulder. "We just— We never did anything—"

"Okay, okay," Seokjin says, laughing at how flustered the younger is, "I was just joking. So, keep going."

Jungkook rolls out of Seokjin's grasp, laying on the floor on his back with his limbs spread out. His eyes close to prevent the golden rays of the sunset radiating through the window from blinding his vision. "She didn't like cursing because she believed that using bad words would lead to a negative change in behavior. Those were the exact words she used." Sadness weighs down his smile. "I really don't know why she thought I didn't like her."

"That's why she broke up with you?"

The younger male nods. "Yeah."

Seokjin shuffles closer and rests his head on Jungkook's arm, and his arm on Jungkook's stomach. "I'm really sorry."

Jungkook doesn't reply as he stares at the ceiling with a dull expression. When he speaks again, it's several minutes later, as his voice cracks: "I really liked her, hyung."

"I know," Seokjin whispers, patting Jungkook's waist rhythmically. "I know." He wipes a stray tear before it begins its path down the side of the boy's face. "Don't cry, Jungkookie."

With a hasty apology and fingers hurriedly brushing away the rapidly forming tears, Jungkook presses his lips together to prevent them from quivering. "I'm not," he tries to argue, but midway through his sentence, his voice breaks and his chest heaves as a sob forces its way through his lips. He lets Seokjin embrace him, lets him plant kisses on his cheek and his temple, lets him whisper in his hair, lets himself cry into the soft material covering Seokjin's warm chest. 

After a final shaky breath, Jungkook pries himself out of Seokjin's arms and sits up. "I'm gonna go get some water."


After letting the cool water rush down his throat, Jungkook places the now empty glass in the sink, not realizing that he'd immediately reached for Seokjin's hand until the elder's fingers are intertwined with his. He stares at their hands for a few moments before laughing quietly to himself. When Seokjin looks at him quizzically, Jungkook pulls him in for a hug, resting his chin on the elder's shoulder. "Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you."

The two stand in the kitchen, arms encasing bodies and torsos pressed together as the clock ticks past seconds, minutes. Jungkook enjoys feeling the rise and fall of Seokjin's chest against his as he breathes, the gentle beating of his heart. 

An odd feeling courses through Jungkook as the two pull away and Seokjin pats down his hair, smiling fondly at him. "Just know you've always got me, okay?" His hand slides through Jungkook's dark locks and cups the back of his neck. "I'm always here... for you."

Embarrassed, Jungkook averts his eyes from Seokjin's to stare at the white (now bordering on grey) socks covering his feet. His gaze moves from his feet to Seokjin's, slightly amused at the small crowns adorning Seokjin's light pink socks, and notices that their feet just inches apart. He looks up again, and oh, their faces are quite close to each other, aren't they?

It seems as though he is entranced by Seokjin's gaze, and he finds himself unable to look away. And Jungkook doesn't know if he's imagining it or not, but is the distance between their faces decreasing?




Seokjin's warmth is gone as he steps away from Jungkook. His eyes follow the movement of the elder's tongue as it darts out to moisten his lips.


Seokjin seems nervous. His shoulders are tensed.

"Do you want to stay the night?"

His shoulders relax. 

"Of course."

Jungkook smiles. 

But Seokjin says something a few hours later as the two are curled up together underneath the bed sheets to shield themselves from the cold that gets Jungkook thinking.

"Seojun and I have a lot in common, don't we?"

。 。 。 

A/N: hoooooh boy I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I did!
also, this fic probably won't exceed 50 chapters. I'm not making any promises, though, so don't kill me if I publish a Chapter 51. 

so as per usual, I didn't proofread, so excuse any typos, please and thank you! any votes and/or comments would be much appreciated, as well. 

also, I'm kind of proud of my writing in this chapter?? Like, it's better than usual??? Idk

anyway, see you guys next chapter!

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