Chapter two~Katherine...

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Nedrana POV

Sis has been...really out of it lately....

"Everyone, please return to your classrooms" My father's assistant announced through the speaker. Soon, Everyone was making their way to their classrooms.

Grabbing my sister's hand, I pulled her to the exit. The others were following close behind us.

"It's been a long time, Naereshcka, Nedrana" A familiar voice whispered. I looked around and noticed that there was no one in the auditorium except for our group. What the...?!

On impulse, the others went infront of me and my sister. "Who's there?!"

Kaine called out.

"Now, Is that really a good way of treating an old friend?"  Who the heck is this person? "

Sister Nae, Don't you even remember my voice?" The voice asked. Goosebumps started appearing on my arm as I glanced at my older sister, who was alot more quiet than usual. I was scared of what she would say next.

"Katherine..." She whispered, her eyes wide. I gasped and felt the blood drain from my face. Katherine was exiled from our family because..she tried to kill mom so that she could become boss.

Katherine laughed "So you finally remembered huh?" In a puff of smoke, she appeared before us surprising all of us. I trembled in fear at the sight.

It wasn't really her newly-colored, black hair or her sinister, grin that made me feel weak...

It was her emerald, green eyes that held so much madness even when we were kids it made my stomach churn.


Naereshcka's POV

We all looked around for the source of the sound and saw movement behind some chairs.

"What the heck is going on?!?!" A girl screamed at us. She was a doubt about that.

"I thought it was a joke when Headmaster Kaien said 'Welcome to  the school of monsters' But this is all too real!!!" It was clear she was panicking...Oh boy...We are in alot of did she even get in here?!

"Annoying human..." Katherine paused. "Shall I...get rid of her existance?" She asked us. the girl screamed.

"Don't screw with us!!!" Adrian yelled. Oh, So the idiot finally grew a backbone. "Luka, get behind us" Kaine ordered "What?! No way! I can fight too!!!" Luka retorted.

Katherine flew towards the girl, her bat wings appearing on her back. I ran to them, the adtenaline kicking into my system.

"Die, human!" Katherine shrieked. I kicked her on the jaw, sending her flying a couple of feet away...That has gotta leave a mark...

"If you lay a hand on any of the students...I'll kill you!!!" I growled. It is my duty, after all to take care of the humans.

"M-Miss N-Naereshcka..." With that, the girl fainted.

God, Seriously?! This situation can't get any worse.

"Ahhh!!!" I stand corrected. I turned to look at my friends to see they were surrounded by familiars. (Slaves/helpers of monsters)

Kaine and Adrian were doing their best to defend the girls. You see, Kaine's power is ice which is really ironic since his best friend, Adrian's power is fire.

Adrian and Kaine were trying they're best, that much was clear. The familiars were too many for them. Adrian's attacks were getting weaker and the defensive ice wall, that was around Ned, Hana and Luka, was slowly starting to melt. I have to help them!

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