Chapter 15~ Feelings...

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Woah... 200+ reads... I'm so happy!!! ^-^ Honto ne arigatou!!!

I swear, I fell of the bed and was like running to my sister and jumping on her bed...but that's another story... ;)

Thank you all so much!!!






Normal POV

The feeling when you are shocked too much that can't anything to say from your vocabulary and the person who you're with is trying to search for what you are thinking of on your face?



Well, that's my life right now.

I rocked back and forth laughing softly like a maniac "Nae, Are you okay?" Hana touched my shoulder gingerly "I understand if you don't like the-"

"Oh my God!!! Why didn't you tell me! When? Where? How?" I smiled brightly at her "Whaaatttt? You aren't mad at me? I mean you hate Adrian so..." I shook my head. Hana is really an idiot, thinking that I'd hate her for something so... natural? Yeah, let's go with that.

"Of course not!"






"Yep" Okay, this is getting annoying...


"Jesus Christ, Yes! Now shut up before I change my mind" I growled, irritation clear in my voice.

"Thank you! You are the greatest friend in the whole universe" I deadpanned "No, I'm not a good friend" I said sarcastically "Now, explain"

Hana blushed and twiddled her fingers. I think she suddenly found the ground very interesting since, she couldn't stop staring at it.

" see..." I quirked an eyebrow at her. She flinched then sighed before running her fingers through her platinum blond hair. "During the party..." I glared at her. That party which I wasn't told of.

She gulped "He became drunk and...he said stuff..." Her ocean blue eyes suddenly had a far off look in it and she sighed dreamily "Stuff I never thought he would feel and then....We kissed and everything felt so..." She trailed off. "Magical"

Aww...the little flower is in love....

I smiled. I've known Hana since we were kids and we couldn't think of a nickname for her since all we came up with was Hans, Ana, Han. So we looked up google translate and found out her name means 'flower' in japanese and she had a petite figure. So we chose the words 'little flower' as her nickname.

"But there's always something that ends the fairytale..." She told me. I stared at her confused "I don't think he remembers anything!" Then she burst into tears. Me, being the good friend I am hugged her gently at the side.

The faucets inside the bathroom suddenly opened and I heard rain pelt down outside...

Water is Hana's element. Sometimes she loses control over her power whenever she's in an emotional state like the others.

God, I hope both of them stop being wimps and confess their love for each other.

Adrian's POV

I remember all of it.

All of it.

Well, not exactly all details.

I remember her lips in mine, how her lips tasted like cherry.

I remember how I felt when we kissed, how my stomach did flips, the tingles that went up my arm. I've kissed a lot of girls but I never felt this way before whenever I kissed them. Only Hana was able to make me feel this way.

But I can't, I can't be with her... I'll only end up breaking her heart, like the others.


"Oh God! We're going to be late!" Hana yelled as we ran to our algebra period "I cannot have another detention. The glares Ms. Megadorah gives could kill!"

"Shut it, Hana! This is your fault after all and I can't" We turned a corner and ran down the staircase "Focus where I'm going if you-ah!" I bumped into a person and let out a scream as we both fell.

It's a good thing there were only four steps left.

"Watch where your going!" I snapped. I knew it wasn't his fault but hey, I don't need another detention.

The guy groaned and I finally recognized him as I looked down at his face "Nae?"

"Oh my gods! I'm sorry! Are you okay?!" I said worriedly as I checked his condition. "I'm fine" He smirked at me "Do you mind getting off me?" I blushed when I realized the position we were in. I was stradling him and his hands were on my waist. Curious question: Is it just me or did this place get ten times hotter?

"Nae! Ohmygosh!" Hana rushed as she ran up to us "Are you-oh" She stopped when she saw us "Am I interrupting something?" She asked rarher smugly. I blushed even more. God, I am so gonna kill her later for this.

"I repeat, do you mind getting off me?" I glared at him "It's totally cool if you don't want to-"

"Shut it, jerk" I glared as I got off of him.

"You guys running late as well?" He asked as he brushed off his pants. We nodded "Yes and if we don't hurry up we will die by the death glare of Ms. Megadorah!" Hana screamed.

The three of us had the same second period. We missed first period because of Hana and Cassius...I don't know and I don't give a damn.


Not in the mood, subconscious.

"Onward, peasants!" I yelled and pointed towards the direction of our class. Cass shook his head and chuckled and Hana did a mock salute "Yes, your Majesty" Not before giving me a 'what the fuck' look.

Then we charged towards the wrath of algebra.



One of the longest chapters ever! I tried to make it up to you guys since I haven't updated for a long time.

Also, special thanks to im_anonymous for making the Adrian part of this chappie!

Why does writer's block exist? :( Life would be so much easier without it! (Truth)

Thank you for everything! I love you guys and thanks for the support!



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