Chapter 21~Drowning Cat's and Salad

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Hi. ^-^

I made it one of my goals for the day to update coz since a week ago (about 2 days after I last updated ASL) The readers I have in my school asked me multiple times when I was gonna update ASL -.- (Yes Natarii, I'm talking about you)

They said that they need to know what happens next but, truth be told, I've been having writer's block lately so yah...

Anywho, here's Chapter 21!!!



The atmosphere in the room was so awkward as the two of us stared at Mira's poker face, wondering what the hell could she possibly be thinking about.

I kept glancing between Cass and Mira nervously as I played with the ends of my hair.

Mira's eyes narrowed and she was about to say something when-

My phone rang. Not just by any ringtone, it was the one my brother put there of a cat drowning. Which is probably his revenge for when he woke up in the middle of a blizzard, which I will proudly say is my doing.

We all cringed at the sound and I hurriedly got my phone from my pocket. I met Cass' eyes and he looked at me with an incredulous expression.

"Sorry." I muttered sheepishly before walkin outside the door muttering an 'excuse me' along the way as Cass looked at me with a helpless expression, I chuckled lightly to myself.

The caller ID was from my father, which meant that this call was serious. I immediately answered and the drowning cat noise was gone.

"Nae, you need to come here right now." Dad's voice was urgent which meant that something was up.

"Dad? What happened?" I asked worriedly. It's been a long time since I heard this type of tone in my father's voice.

"Just get to the manor immediately. Now!" I winced at my father's harsh tone. Then he added. "And bring that boy with you."

"Cassius? What does he have to do with this?" I whispered rather loudly.

"I said, come here and bring the boy with you. Do not ask anymore questions, Naereshcka Arcana." He said before the line went dead.

He used my real name. This is bad...

I walked back into the room and saw the Evans family still talking but tbe mood was lighter. Huh, guess they figured it out on their own.

"Nae!" Mira yelled and stumbled her way towards me. I hesitated before holding up to fingers and she stopped. Everything stopped except for Cass and me.

I sighed in relief. It was tbe first time I've used one of my family member's powers since I copied it during summer but it still works perfectly.

"Mom!" Cass exclaimed  before rushing towards his mother. "What did you do?" He asked me gently. He knew that I'd never hurt them.

"Froze her." He blinked, shocked. "No! No! Not in that freezing her to ice way! I just froze her body"

He nodded slowly. "Okaaayyy...That's just really weird. Why?" I immediately answered his question. "Because Dad summoned us."

"For what exactly?" I shrugged as I walked out the door, him trailing close behind me. "All I know is that it's an emergency." He nodded, understanding my reason since I already told him about how important my family is to me.

I stepped out of his house and walked to the front porch. Suddenly, something black flew past me, scaring the living daylights out of me. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it was a bat.

"Salad?" I called to him. Do not judge the name, alright! I got him when I was a kid and Nedrana was the one who name him!

He flew to me and perched himself on my arm. "What the hell, Nae! Salad?!" Cass boomed from behind me and I blushed furiously. "Shut up!"

After a moment, I noticed the note attached to Salad's leg. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's this?" I took the note from his leg and unfolded it. The familiar handwriting almost made my heart stop.

How's life, Older Sister?




That's all for this update! Thanks for the support and please VOMMENT! ^-^


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