"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Well, don't let it happen again!"


"Now, as I was saying before you rudely zoned out on me, you're coming over today. No if, ands or buts. Understood? Great! Now be her in a hour tops or i'll be really upset and might be forced to tell everyone your little story." She hung up after that without giving me a chance to reply.

I guess I'm hanging out with the wicked witch today.

I sat up stretching, ready to get out of bed to get ready to go to Mandy's. Yay. I got out of bed and went into the shower to get clean for the day ahead of me. After doing all of my business, I got out and threw some clothes on.

When I looked in the mirror to put my snapback on, I looked at what I was wearing. A white tank top with two hands on it, blue baggy shorts, white sneakers and a green snapback (picture on the side).

I went downstairs to see all four boys sitting at the table eating breakfast (the boys live together in my story). I looked at the clock to see it was only 10:30AM, I still had twenty minutes left until I had to leave to go and spend the day with Mandy.

I took some of the pancake that Harry made, since he's usually the one who makes pancakes, and sat down with the rest of the boys, starting to eat some of the yummy food. After I finished, I looked up to thank Harry for the food to see the boys staring at me curiously.

"What?" I asked after downing my orange juice Liam gave me.

"Nothing, it's just that you're dressed and ready to go somewhere. We're just curious on where you're going." Louis stated.

"Oh. Well, I'm going to Mandy's for the day" I noticed all the boys rolled their eyes.

You see. The boys don't particularly like Mandy, and find it ridiculous that I don't just tell the directioners what I did and break up with Mandy. That it would be so much easier to just tell everyone now and be done with my 'girlfriend' once and for all. But according to modest management, I'm not aloud to yet or my reputation will go down the drain.

"Well, I better get going, don't want to get Mandy mad" I told the boys, already on the way out of the kitchen.

I walked out the front door to have the sun glare in my eyes. I went back in quickly to get my sunglasses. After getting them, I walked back out and to my car to get to Mandy's. On the car ride there, I couldn't get this mystery girl out of my mind. She is so pretty and I bet she is down to earth, nice, sweet and all the other nice words in the english dictionary.

When I got to the gate of Mandy's house, I waved hello to the man at the gate, Bill, and he opened it for me, already knowing who I am and why I am here.

After parking my car in her abnormally large drive way, I got out and walked up to the door. After knocking, Mandy was at the door and in front of me telling me to come in. I obliged and and entered her house, if you could call it that, it's huge!

"Hey" Mandy said in what she thinks is her 'seductive' voice. In reality, it just makes me want to throw up my breakfast.

She brought me over to the couch and pushed me down, climbing on my lap and started to draw random patterns over my shirt on my chest while looking at me. She lowered her head so our foreheads touched as we looked at each others eyes. Then she leant in closer to make our lips touch.

The two of us started to make out,and that's the only time I enjoy spending time with Mandy, while we're kissing. No matter how much I hate her, I can't deny that she's an amazing kisser.

After a while of doing that, we stopped and decided to watch a movie. I went to go and make the popcorn while she picked the movie out. While the popcorn was cooking in the microwave I got to thinking, spending time with Mandy isn't that horrible at times. When we have days with movies and kissing, it's actually pretty enjoyable. But that's just days like these, the rest she is, I can't even explain how bad she gets. Especially when we go shopping!

I put the popcorn in a bowl after it beeped in the microwave and cooled down a bit. The went into the livingroom to go and see what movie she decided to pick out. I really hope it isn't one of those romantic, chick flick movies that she always makes me watch. The ones she picks out are pretty boring.

When I got in there, I thankfully found out that it was a movie we would both enjoy. The movie was a comedy called 'Ted', every heard of it? About a talking bear, it is HILARIOUS! I could watch that movie a hundred times over again.

Throughout the movie, we kissed, laughed and overall I, for once, had a genuinely nice time with her today. I like this Mandy, not the mean Mandy that is rude and complains when she doesn't get what she wants.

Once the movie ended, Mandy and I decided to hit the pub since it was only 5PM. So she got changed and off we went to the local pub, Luettis (made up place). When we got there, we both apparently had the same thought since we both went straight to the bar. Im the man here, so of course, I paid for our drinks.

Two hours passed of us drinking our weight in beer and shots, dancing and just laughing for no plain reason. We were both way passed drunk, so we walked to Mandy's and from there, I got a cab to go home.

The cab got to Mandy's house and I got in after bidding her a goodnight. I told the cab driver what I thought was my address and gave him twenty pounds (sorry if that's too much or not enough, I live in the US and have no clue about UK currency).

When the cab got there, I thanked the man and started to wobble to the house. Once I got to the door, I opened it and walked through. The second I stepped into my house, I noticed the lights were off and it was unusually quiet for a house that was supposed to have three teenage boys and Louis in the house.

Shrugging it off, assuming they were all out or something like that, I turned the light on and plopped on the couch. Without even a single thought flowing through my head, I passed out.


AN: What do you think is going to happen next chapter? What will Demi come to in her house?

- "I love with the heart, not the eyes" ~Niall Horan



And maybe fan?

Love you guys

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