I picked out a regular grey graphic tee, with a black sweater over it. And black leather pants with black boots with a little heel on them and spikes going up the back. (Picture on the side, ignore the brown hair. Supposed to be blonde)

I brushed my hair out and put some mascara and eyeliner, I say that a girl's best make up is her smile. But some people disagree, hence the reason why some girls, not all, cake their face in make up to make it seem like someone smashed a cake to their face. It's actually quite funny that these girls think that they actually look good like this.

Anyway, I looked in the mirror one final time before I walked out of my apartment, putting my phone in my back pocket and locking the door on the way out.

Starting up my car, I started to wonder how the day was going to turn out. I knew that like every time we hang out, I was probably going to end up with a slap across the face from him and that was only one of the reasons I didn't like Brad.

At first, you think he's the sweetest guy ever, he took me on romantic dates, kissed me goodnight, bought me things, he made me feel special. For the first time in my life I actually felt like I was worth something.

Then one day everything just changed. I walked into Brad's house expecting for the usually warm, welcoming hug I always receive along with the kiss on the cheek. And instead of getting those, I got a slap across the face. It hurt me more emotionally than it did physically.

Since that day I have hated Brad, and always will. Unless one day he magically changes again, but this time from bad to good. He did sound different on the phone this morning, and a good different.

Pulling into the drive way of Brad's house, I got out of the car and went to the door to go and ring the door bell. After ringing it, not even a minute later, Brad opened the door with a warm smile. There is something off about this.

He invited me in the house and did something that surprised me more than I ever thought was possible. He gave me what he used to do all the time, he gave me that big warm, welcoming hug and a soft kiss on the cheek.

I stepped back and looked at him with surprise written all over my face. He did not just do that, where's the mean guy I knew as Brad, the one that hit me and screamed at me for his own entertainment. The one that enjoyed making me cry, that damn smirk I saw on his face twenty four seven. This one was actually................nice.

Never saw that coming.

He sat down on the couch, pulling me on his lap on the process and just started staring at me, like waiting for me to say something. But the problem was that I just couldn't, I couldn't get out of my state of shock and sheer joy that I don't have to go through the day fearing that I could get hit at any moment.

After I got out of my little frozen state, we started talking. The two of us talked about everything and anything. From our favorite moments, to how we slept, to even how work was. And the best part you ask. Brad sat there and listened to every word I said and actually seemed like he cared. It was nice, I got my Brad back.

And of course I'm not going to just start trusting him automatically after all he did to me. He could just be playing a game with me right now. But for now, I didn't care. All i cared about was that he was actually at least seeming like he cared right now.

The clock struck 6PM and we both got hungry, but neither of us wanted to take the time and actually make a meal. So we decided to go out to a restaurant somewhere. It was a nice, warm evening. So Brad and I decided to walk to the restaurant, where ever we go.

After walking and talking about random things for about twenty minutes, we ran into a pizza place called 'Pillios' (made up place(Pee-lee-ohs)). We ate there, both getting a slice of pepperoni pizza, and enjoyed the almost silence that engulfed the two of us. Just enjoying each others company for the first time in a long time.

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