Chapter 26- 4minute and T Ara With Teen Top.

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-Conversation With Hyomin from T Ara- (H-Hyomin, C.-C.A.P)


C.-Hey Hyomin this is C.A.P

H-Oh hey. What's up?

C.-Yeah can you do me a favor?

H-Yeah sure. Tell me.

C.-Okay can you help me get Yuri jealous? Please!

H-Yeah, but why?

C.-Well she's having a thing with Kai. And they kissed on the lips!

H- Yeah C.A.P, like that's not normal. *rolling eyes*

C.-In front of me!

H-Okay I get it! I'll help you.

C.-Thanks Hyomin you're the best.

H-Yeah I know.

-End Of Conversation-

'Lord thank you!' I thought to myself.

L.Joe's P.O.V

Okay so it's my turn to call someone to help me get Hyoyeon jealous.

-Conversation With Jiyeon from T Ara- (Ji-Jiyeon, L.-L.Joe)

Ji- Hello.

L.-Hey Jiyeon-ah.

Ji-Hey L.Joe. Can I help you with anything?

L.- Um yeah. I have I favor to ask.

Ji-Tell me first and I'll see if I can do it or not.

L.-Okay, so I want to get Hyoyeon jealous and you're the best that I can think of to help me. I know you love SNSD and that you and Hyoyeon are good friends but I really need your help!

Ji-L.Joe! Hyoyeon is my friend! Why would I do that!?

L.-I know! And I know what I'm asking is impossible but please help me!

Ji- Ugh fine! But if Hyoyeon gets mad at me or if we get caught, I'm blaming this on you!

L.-*signs in relief* Thank you Jiyeon-ah. And yes you can blame it on me if we get caught.

Ji-Who said I was asking permission to blame it on you? I AM blaming it on you if we get caught.

L.-*laughs* Okay Jiyeon. And thanks again.

Ji-Yepp anytime!

-End Of Conversation-

'Gosh that girl can be so stubborn, but you gotta love her!' I thought to myself and walked away.

"Guys lets go home. I'm tired!" Ricky whined. 'Stupid maknae' I thought. We left home and 10 minutes later Hyuna, Hyomin and Jiyeon showed up.

"So what's going on?" Jiyeon asked and all looked at me.

"Okay they're still at the we can go there."

"Why?" Changjo asked annoyed

"Because SNSD is coming today." Hyomin said

"Yeah, well this is your chance because 4minute is going to the airport to see SNSD and we're taking them out to eat. T Ara is invited and there's you're chance to get them jealous." Hyuna added

"Yeah, you guys are invited and L.Joe, C.A.P, and Chunji can be our dates." Jiyeon said.

"HEY! What about us!?" Niel, Changjo, and Ricky yelled

"When we get there you can pick on of the girls from 4minute or T Ara to be your dates." Hyomin said. They nodded and smiled

Hyoyeon's P.O.V

"WHAT!" I yelled when I saw Yoona and Yuri.

"SNSD IS COMING TO SEE US!!!!!" Yuri yelled and jumped excitedly.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yelled pissed

"Yeah. Why aren't you happy to see that SNSD is coming back to Seoul?" Yoona asked

"Yeah I'm happy that the members are coming back. But Luhan oppa was going to tell me something!" I yelled. Their mouths was in a 'o' shape.

"Unnie, sorry." Yoona and Yuri said and hugged me.

"No it's okay. If it's important he'll tell me later." I said and smiled at them and they nodded. I saw 4minute and T Ara coming but three members were missing. I saw Jiyeon and L.Joe holding hands, Chunji and Hyuna holding hands , C.A.P and Hyomin holding hands. When I saw Jiyeon and L.Joe holding hands jealousy hit me. I love Jiyeon, she's the youngest in T Ara but I just didn't like how they're a couple.

Yoona's P.O.V

When I saw Chunji and Hyuna holding hands I just wanted to push her away. I was jealous alright. Like I love Hyuna so much she's a great friend but seeing her with Chunji wasn't really what I expected.

Yuri's P.O.V

'Ew what an ugly couple' I thought. I love Hyomin, too. Just seeing her with C.A.P hurts me. I also don't want her to get hurt inside and outside because of that bastard. And don't you think that I'm jealous because I'm not!

..................okay I am.

Teen Top's P.O.V

'Hah who's jealous now Yoona!" Chunji thought and smirked

'Hyoyeon, I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you but I need to see if you really have feeling for me' L.Joe thought and felt guilty for using Jiyeon like dirt, 'but it's just a favor she even agreed to do it' he kept reminding him himself.

'Yuri that's right! FEEL THE PAIN THAT I FELT WITH YOU KISSED KAI!' C.A.P thought and laughed to himself.

Hyoyeon's, Yuri's, Yoona's P.O.V

'Why does this hurt me!?' They thought.


I want to thank CHiENGBAABEE for helping me and giving me idea's also. I love you!!

-Julie xx


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