Chapter Four (The Notes)

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1 WEEK LATER (12/9)


I woke Up in my Boyfriends Bed, facing Him. He is such a Peaceful sleeper.

I look at the Time 8:45 AM. Plenty of time to Plan a Date for Us. I slowly exit my Way from his Bed, and walk out his Door.

I knock on Emma's Door.

"Emma, I need help."

"Come in."

I walk into her Room.

"Watch you Need?"

"I need your Help to plan A Date for me and Randy." I ask Shyly.

"No need to be Shy, Sure I'll Help."

I run up to Her,"Thank You, Emma."

"Your Welcome, Go Back to bed I'll have the Date Ready At 7 PM. Okay?"


I walk into Randy's Room and See him Curled up into a Ball.


He slowly turned around to see me, He has been Crying.

I walk over to him,"Shhhh, I am here Don't cry." I said and Wrapped him into my Warm Embrace.

"Want to talk about it?"

He nodes his Head slowly,"It was a Nightmare, I dreamed of my Dad escaping Prison and Coming after Me and Finishing T-The J-Job..." He said and Broke into a Crying fit.

"He won't hurt you With me Around, I am going to Protect You." I pulled him into my Arms again.

"Hey we Have our First Date Today." I said trying to Lift the Mood.



"What are we doing?"

"It's a Surprise."

"Fine." He said starting to Pout.

"Hey don't Pout."

I pull him Into a Hug, I stare Into His beautiful Eyes and He stares into mine, ask Can I kiss Him in my Mind and he Nods His Head. I start to Lean in and He dose the Same, We both Close our Eyes, when Our Lips Touch. This Kiss was full of Love and Passion then I deepened it. I swiped my tongue Over his Lower Lip, He let me In and Mine and His Tongue Battled for Dominance. For the First time He didn't Cheat and I won, My Tongue rubbed against his And He Moaned a Deep Moan it Traveled down my throat and I moaned in response, I smirked at Him, because I have that Effect on Him. I slid my Hands Up his Shirt, I slid his Off and He did mine. My body was on fire from the Simplest touch, so I pulled Him closer to me, so we are Chest-to-Chest. I could tell that his Body Temp. is Well above Normal. I pulled away Gasping for air and Rested our Foreheads Together, and Stared into His eyes. He has a Swollen Lip and Blush on his Face.

"I Love You Randy."

"I love you too Luke."



I was getting my Shower and There was a Knock on the Door. I get out and Dry my Hair, and Stare into my Blue Eyes,"Man I could Just drown in the Blue Oceans I call Eyes." I mumble.

I put on my Red T-Shirt and Black Cargo Shorts. I brush my Brown Hair,"Man I need a Hair Cut."

Where ate my Contacts,"Dam it' I'm Out." I murmur. I put my Glasses on,"Hope they Don't hate me."

I leave the Bathroom, and there is a Note tapped to the Door.

I read,

Dear F**,

Dump my Lukkie or I'll Come after you!

You've been Warned.

From Your Worst Nightmare.

The Tears well up in my Eyes,"No..."

I ran Into my Room,"I Can't do this..." and the Tears Fall even Harder. I walk over to my bed and find another Note.

Tell Luke about any of these Notes, I will Kill you.

That's it I have to Break up with Luke and break both our Hearts.

I cried myself to sleep.


I was sitting in the Living Room when, Connie walked in.

"What do you Want Connie?" I ask harshly.

"You!" She Yelled.

"You will Never have me! You sick and Twisted B****!" I yell at her.

"Oh we'll See." She said Snickering.

"Get Out of my House!" I yell at Her.

"Fine Fine, see you at School Tomorrow." And She turned and Left.

Well she is Still Insane, S*** she distracted my date with Randy, does she Know about Randy and I? No she Can't.

Can She?

Mindreader [Jessie Fan-Fic]  (BoyxBoy) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now