Chapter Nineteen - Busted.

Start from the beginning

"Then I'll make sure that your mother will never be cured. I've heard dying in hospital is one of the worst places to die." My eyes widened in rage as I gripped the back of the chair to stop myself from throwing it through the glass walls behind me.

"Don't you dare threaten my mother. This doesn't involve her," I seethed, my jaw clenched as I bundled by hands into fists.

"When it comes to bargaining, it always involves someone you care about," Wells mercilessly chuckled.

"You're insane," I breathed out, shaking my head manically.

"And you're not the first person to tell me that."

"Maybe you should take the hint, Doc," I barked, walking out of his office and slamming the door behind me.

Having a fiery temper was never a trait of mine which I desired for a lot of people to see, especially friends of mine who had done nothing wrong. Sometimes all you can see is red and in this case, it was not the good kind that came from Barry's suit.

I was glad that Caitlin had left my lab since I was not in the mood to explain my sheer anger. My temper was certainly a major weakness. I tried to let little things not get to me, but the thought of my mother being murdered by a psychopathic speedster, who happened to have murdered Barry's mother as well, made me want to rip his head off and parade it on a spike.

Barry. What the hell was I going to do with Barry? I couldn't tell him now and put my mother's life at risk and yet I felt the overwhelming guilt that he wouldn't forgive me again.

I managed to put my things into my bag without throwing or breaking anything, which I was quite proud of, considering I felt like pulling Wells's head off from his body.

I decided to walk to Brendan's gym instead of using my car, considering I didn't want to deal with crashing into some poor driver. My walk was extremely brisk as I planned several ways which I could kill Wells without his speed avoiding my blows.

It takes a different kind of weird for a guy to pretend to be paralysed. I mean, surely he would have some type of muscle wastage if he wasn't using his legs often enough?

I stormed into the gym, ignoring the strange looks I was receiving from the lads who were boxing. I ran into the staff room and down into the purple lair and changing into my costume. My thoughts were racing with very vibrant and colourful words directed straight at Dr. Wells as Eve had gathered some psychiatrists to try and calm me down, but it wasn't helping one bit.

"Em, you need to calm down otherwise you're going to hurt someone," Eve tried to console, though, it wasn't helping one bit.

"Stop telling me what to do, Eve! It's my life and I need to keep Mum safe from that evil son of a bitch."

"What are you going to do, though? You can't just storm into S.T.A.R Labs and kill Wells otherwise it'll be his word against yours and the team will never trust you again."

"Tell me what else I can do. This anger is just building up inside me and it's making my powers incredibly hard to control. All I feel like doing is blowing up a building."

"What I think you should do is go and help people. Volunteer at the hospital or just keep on the police radio for any type of call in. It doesn't matter how small the job is, just let the people know that they can trust you more than Wells," Eve reassured as I exhaled a large breath as I tried to calm myself down.

"I'm not coping with any of this, y'know. This whole superhero thing is so hard. What happens when I can't save somebody? What if someone dies because I'm reckless?"

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