Part 7

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Jungkook went inside the bush and I couldn't hear his growls anymore. I got scared. I needed to be calm to stay at my human form, but this is freaking me out.

I walked towards the bush. "Jungkook" I shout whisper. "Jungkook." I stepped closer to the bush, until Jongkooks head pop out of it. "Hey! sorry." he said coming out of the bush and putting his hands over my shoulders.
"It's okay Abby, calm down your eyes are glowing. I just met a friend of mine. Sorry to scare you." he then calmed me down "Come on, let me introduce you to him."

He took my hand and we headed to the other side of the bush.
"Oh my." in front of me there was a boy, his mouth covered with blood and his eyes were glowing a bright blue. He looked at me and gave me a wide smile.
"Oh sorry, I just had my dinner." whipping off the blood of his mouth. "Hi, I'm Taehyung, but my friends calls me V." he extended his hand to me. When I was about to shake his hand Jungkook slapped V's hand away.
"Ow! rude." V pulled his hand closer to him.

"Sorry, but she's under my protection. No touching her V." Jungkook said pulling me behind him.

"Alright, so where are you guys off to?" V asked, his eyes were now normal; a dark brown.

"Well, this lady wanted to go on a adventure." Jungkook replied mocking me.

"I love adventure! Can I come? Please I promise that I'll behave." Jungkook looked at me and V did the same.

"I guess so." Jungkook and V jumped of excitement and clapped there hands together.

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