Part 4

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   At last! Today is the day I'm going out on a adventure. I already made my bag and I was now at the front door ready to go outside.

"Wait up  Abby!" My brother yelled walking down the stairs, my sisters following him behind. "I got you something for the weather." chuckling. "It's going to fit you two."

"Stop teasing her." Jupiter punched him lightly at the shoulders.

I open the box he gave me and it was a red hood. Funny. "I'm going to wear it, because I know this is a special hood."  

"Uuu she's smart" Lu said. "But do you like it?" Candy asked me.

"Yeah it's pretty, don't tell me you made it?"

"Of course I did! I'm the only one good making magical stuffs."

"Okay, but it was my idea- anyways Abby your guardian is waiting for you outside, be nice to him! Be careful and I will miss you."

"WE!" My sisters corrected Suga.

"And we will miss you."
He then helped me put on the hood he gave me and gave me a kiss on the fore head. "And remember stay at peace, don't want to make trouble." letting go of me.

I said my goodbyes to my siblings and got out.

   I walk out the gates of the castle and there he was, Jungkook, my guardian. Suga already told me with who I was going and why.

First it's because he's a werewolf, which means he's loyal and good with directions. Second, he won't try anything funny with me, because he has been with us for a couple of years, because of his duty as a guard, and by being married to my sister Jupiter. Third he's my only friend.

"You ready A?" Jungkook asked, half hugging me.

"I was born ready."

"That's the spirit." He smiled, showing off his bunny teethes. Jupiter loves his bunny teeth, but I only think that is funny for a werewolf to have those kind of teethes.
"Do you want the short way or the long way?" he got closer to my ear and whispered. "The long way it's dangerous." and backed away.

"We will go the long way!" I exclaimed.

"Haha don't tell your brother I told you that, now let's go!" He backed a few feets away from me for him to transform.

His eyes went to a dark brown to a glowing bright red. Few seconds later he was already a gorges but scary big white werewolf.

I then got on his back and he then started to walk towards the woods.

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