Chapter 8 - In Which many Things are Revealed

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Author's Note:

I am so sorry that it took so long to upload. I have been so busy and I have been having a really hard time with this chapter. As it is, I am not really happy with it and I will probably change it in the next week or so.

Hope you guys like it! :)


Running and slipping down the sandy side of the hill towards the ocean, I don't even look around to make sure that I am not being followed.

My breathing heavy from having sprinted through the village twice in the past half hour, I finally make it to the cave, where, before entering, I catch my breath.

Hearing something, I quickly quiet my breathing and lean in closer.

Voices can be heard from inside the cave, and I freeze, confused and a little frightened.

"Who could that be?I whisper to myself.

Not baring the suspense any longer, I enter the cave.

Silently and carefully picking my way through the rock, I try to stay in the shadows, not fully trusting anyone that could possibly be connected to Greaves' old life.

I stop in my tracks, my eyes wide with surprise as I finally come into view of the platform where Greaves and another man are talking, completely oblivious to my presence.

"You." I barely manage cough out.

Both men turn around, wearing shocked, guilty, and completely awkward expressions on their faces.

The young man, formerly known as Frederick Barrington, suddenly angry at seeing me, clenches his fists and eyes Greaves like a predator does to his prey.

"You said she was gone!" He says through gritted teeth. "You said you sent her away!"

"What is going on?" I shout as the man grabs Greaves by the scruff of his shirt and pulls him close, lifting him few feet off the ground and raising his fist.

 "Stop it!" I shout. "Stop it right now!"

"Frederick" glares at Greaves for a few more moments before slowly lowering him back into his chair.

"Please just tell me what is going on." I tell them.

Sighing and running his fingers through his hair, the younger man takes a seat on a large rock and leans forward, as if in thought.

My eyes expectant, "Frederick" is first to speak.

"I apologize." He says sounding slightly nervous and completely remorseful. I can almost hear the anguish pouring out with every word. "Not only for my outburst just now, but for the night of the party. I wasn't thinking, and I was wrong for lying to you. I do not live in Harbor View and my name is not Frederick Barrington, it is Thomas Calder."

"Thank you." I say, "But why did you almost flatten Greaves' face? And what was "You said she was gone!" all about? And why on earth did you come to the party?"

"Well," Thomas starts, eyeing Greaves, "Greaves had promised me that he wouldn't let you visit any more and that you would have nothing to do with him."

 "Why would you make Greaves promise something like that? Is this about what you said at the party about me staying away from pirates?"

"Yes." He says and Greaves snickers.

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