Chapter 9 - In Which Our Heroine Discovers She has the Power of Sewing

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Author's Note:

Hi everyone!

These past couple of  weeks have been so busy for me, trying to finish as much school as I can before the holidays. I just finished this chapter last night and I had a pretty hard time with it. It is longer than the average length of my chapters. I might cut this story short and change my plan to have it go on as long as the PotC movie. I have eight different story ideas (not including THoAS) that I have had on a waiting list for a while now which I would love to start.

I would love to have your input as to whether or not I should either: cut this story shorter than planned, stick to the plan, or put it on hold.



I cross my arms and look at Greaves skeptically , remembering some of his “plans” over the years such as creating braces for his legs which end up  with him lying in a heap.

Seeing my unbelieving expression, Greaves takes a deep breath, suddenly not so sure.

“Do you, uh, want to know how?” He asks.

Raising my eyebrows, I nod, curious to see what plan he had concocted this time.

“My plan is to commandeer a ship, go to Tortuga, get a crew and a general location as to where the Black Pearl could be and go find it.” Greaves says quickly.

Thomas and I both stare at the old man who is sitting forward on his chair, his eyes lit up in anticipation of our response.

“You’re insane.” I tell him and turn to leave.

“Wait, wait.” Thomas says and I look back at the two men.

Thomas then turns back to Greaves. “Look at us, we are an inexperienced pirate, an old crippled pirate, and a privileged girl from a wealthy family. How on earth would we commandeer a ship? And how would we get a crew. We have no money, no leverage, and no reason for anyone to join us. And where would we find a general location of the Black Pearl? It is like “mist at night” as you once told me.”

“I don’t know.” Greaves says, leaning back, his arms crossed behind his head, “I thought of the plan, now it’s your turn to contribute with the details.”

“Thank you.” Thomas says sarcastically, sitting down and running his fingers through his blonde hair.

A few minutes go by before Thomas jumps up, his face excited. “I know what we can do!”

Greaves and I both turn to him expectant.

“I have a few ideas that could make Greaves' plan work.” Thomas says, “Down the cost a bit, is a little forest where I have my camp. There I have an old boat, just large enough for three, maybe four people to walk around and even sleep comfortably. I haven’t worked on it for months but from what I remember, it only needs a few holes patched and a new sail.”

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